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Published December 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Okanogan, Washington. Design plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Okanogan County (the "County") is seeking Statements of Qualifications from firms for architectural and engineering services for the Okanogan County Superior Court Renovation (the "Project"), located at 1240 2nd Avenue South, Okanogan, Washington. The County would like to transform the existing old Forest Service Building at this location into a new Superior Court Facility for the citizens of Okanogan County. The intent of this RFQ is to engage a Consultant to provide full design services for the renovation and new construction as defined by the State of Washington Architectural & Engineering Guidelines. Project Description: The new Okanogan County Superior Court will be located at 1240 2nd Avenue South, Okanogan, Washington. The Property is a governmental / public use building (old Forest Service Building) located in Okanogan. Built in 1976, this property features a 2.62 acre lot, with an existing building that is approximately 20,902 gross square feet. The Forest Service building is a single story, wood-framed structure with open-web truss roof framing. Originally constructed in 1976, the building was renovated in 1988 with an addition on the North side. The Project does not include the existing Okanogan County Public Works building or property at 1234 2nd Avenue South. The Main Building was originally constructed as an office building or a "B" Occupancy, Type V construction per International Building Code. The Building appears structurally sound with no obvious damage or deterioration. The foundations are commercial, thickened edge, concrete slab-on-grade with no crawl spaces or basements. As such any under slab plumbing work that would need to be completed would require saw-cutting of the concrete slab, excavation and repouring of new concrete. The County is also contracting with other Design Consultants for Design and Construction of the new Site Utilities for this Property. Schematic Design is to begin immediately upon award and approval of the resulting Design Contract. Construction is anticipated to start in December of 2023 with the Project completion expected by February 2025. Reservations: The County reserves the right to add or subtract from the list of required services outlined in this RFQ. The County reserves the right to seek clarifications of each Proposal. The County reserves the right to negotiate final contracts in the best interest of the County. The County reserves the right to reject any or all Proposals and reserves the right to cancel this RFQ at any time if doing so would be in the public interest, as determined by the County at its sole and absolute discretion. See the Predesign Study for anticipated Project Budgets. All proposals that are not time-stamped by the deadline will be considered late and will be returned to the Proposer unopened. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time




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