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Published November 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a stadium in Athens, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a stadium.

RFP# CCA-ARENA1SIGN-2 The Classic Center CCA ("CCA"), an Authority of the State of Georgia, in cooperation with the Unified Government of Athens-Clarke County (ACC), is soliciting proposals from firms specializing in Signage provision, professional installation, and related services for the Classic Center Arena which is currently in the early phases of construction. The RFP document is either attached herein or can be obtained by submitting an e-mail to the contact person listed in this posting. The envisioned Specifications are included with the RFP. The RFP shall seek responsive and responsible proposals for provision of the equipment specified in the Scope of Services and the Specifications therein, and provision of the comprehensive installation and related services prescribed by the Scope of Services and Specifications. The RFP must be reviewed carefully. CCA retains the right to reject any or all proposals or subsequent submittals and/or proposals, and to waive technicalities, irregularities, and informalities, and retains the right to cancel this procurement at any time. The final terms of any agreement contemplated by this solicitation or subsequent solicitation will comply w with the applicable laws and ordinances of the of the State of Georgia and Athens-Clarke County (ACC). A RESTRICTION OF COMMUNICATION IS IN EFFECT. From the time of the posting of this solicitation until final award is made to a successful respondent, interested firms are not allowed or permitted to communicate about this solicitation or envisioned scope with any staff or any official representatives of the CCA, ACC, or their consultants to the Project, except for submission of questions as instructed in the RFP, or as provided by any existing work agreement(s). Question Submission : Richard Sawyer, via email: richard@classiccenter.com The Arena shall be part of the campus of the CCA in addition the very successful existing CCA Convention facilities, and shall be generally operated as a connected, sister facility. The Arena shall seat up to 7000 and will be a premier destination for concerts, conventions, family and religious meetings, spectator sports events such as hockey, basketball, gymnastics, and other special indoor events. CCA intends for the Arena to be a significant enhancement to the downtown Athens environment, a popular public assembly facility for the City of Athens and a successful enhancement to the CCA campus that incorporates the latest in design, construction, and efficiency for ultimate operations. Appropriate Signage placement is envisioned and specified for optimum benefit for the facilities, show management and attendees of the Arena to maximize the experience of the attendees, clients, and convenient access to areas consistent with today's convention, sports, and entertainment facilities. High levels of environmentally sustainable technology in accordance with CCA and ACC goals shall be required, and such level will be determined as the design phase of the Project progresses. In addition to being appropriately sized, multifunctional, and state-of-the-art, the signage must perform to meet all applicable standards and specifications known and the needs of potential CCA clients and stakeholders. The Signage for the Arena must ultimately be acceptable to CCA and competitive with similar facilities constructed throughout the southeast United States. Question Deadline 05/29/2023 at 2:00 PM ET Deadline for submission of written questions and requests for clarification.


Arenas / Stadiums


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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