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Published January 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Portland, Oregon. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Question Submission Close Date 1/20/2023 2:00 PM PST Multnomah County Department of County Human Services (DCHS), Youth and Family Services Division, seeks to establish a list of contractors qualified to install heating-related specialty measures for low-income single and multi-family dwellings throughout Multnomah County. A variety of federal, state, local government, and private dollars fund the County's heating and related specialty program. Annual workload varies; anticipated annual funding is $500,000.00, shared between all awarded vendors receiving work orders, at non-equal dollar values. Prospective Bidders are invited to submit an electronic bid for a requirements contract with Multnomah County to perform the required heating and related specialty work as described in these bid documents. This Invitation to Bid has been divided into two (2) parts, Single Family and Multi-Family, each of which are further divided into individual bid categories based on heating fuel source for the work to be completed. Part 1. Single Family Electric/Heat Pumps Gas Part 2.Multi-Family. Electric/Heat Pumps Bidders may bid on any or all of the individual bid categories. Bidders must bid on ALL bid items within a category in order to be deemed responsive in that category. Incomplete bids may be rejected. For each category, bid prices (labor and materials) will be summed to calculate the bid total. Contracts will be awarded to the lowest bidders in each category as specified here: Awards by category Part 1. Single Family Electric/Heat Pump - Five (5) lowest bidders Gas - Five (5) lowest bidders Part 2.Multi-Family. Electric/Heat Pump - Five (5) lowest bidders The effective date of the resulting contract(s) shall be approximately July 1, 2023, or the date on which each party has signed the contract, whichever is later. Unless earlier terminated, the termination date shall be June 30, 2024. CONTRACT WORK ORDER ALLOCATION PROCESS The County Weatherization auditors will determine what work will be done at a residence, and when it will be assigned to a Contractor. Contractors for the individual jobs will be selected on the basis of the lowest aggregated bid for all category items included in the work order. Contractor must accept the work order within seven (7) days of notification or the work order will be awarded to the next lowest bidder. Contractors will be issued work for up to, but not to exceed their bond limit. Once the lowest bidder has reached their maximum bond capacity to perform work, work orders will be awarded to the next lowest bidder. This will continue until either all work orders have been assigned or until all qualified bidders have reached capacity. Work orders must be completed no later than 30 days from the date of the work order. Contractor will not receive additional work orders if they have any previously issued work orders that are outstanding 30 days or more, until outstanding job is complete. In the event that a work order requires measures that are not included in existing pricing, or requires measures that vary from standard bidding specifications, County may, at County's sole discretion, request project specific pricing from all eligible Proposers. Such action will not result in a permanent change to the Provider's bid, cost adjustments made for specific work orders will only apply to that one event. County may request Contractors meet with County project managers prior to starting a job order to review line items and answer any questions on requested work. BID REQUIREMENTS AT THE TIME OF BID SUBMISSION The bid responses must be received by the Multnomah County Multco Marketplace, and be fully submitted no later than the date and time listed in this ITB. AT THE TIME OF CONTRACTING Licensure: All Contractors providing bids to complete heating work must be registered with the Construction Contractor's Board and not be disqualified from performing work on public projects, be legal entities registered to do business in the State of Oregon; and must have current business licenses with all municipalities in which the work will be performed that require a business license. In Multnomah County, Contractors may use a METRO business license as an acceptable business license for all cities located in Multnomah County except for the City of Portland. Contractors proposing to do Heating and Related Specialty work must have the following certifications: Valid General Contractor's License from the State of Oregon; Valid CCB Registration with LRRP certification; Current business license/s valid for the municipality/ies in which the work will be performed; Contractor Bond; Lead Safe Firm Certification and Lead Renovator Certification for staff; Insurance Certificates showing General Liability, Automotive and Workers' Compensation coverage; and NATE Certified HVAC Technician (at least one person on staff). Performance Testing Comfort Systems Certification Performance Bond:For all work orders over $20,000; for installations in multi-family projects; contractor shall submit a performance bond equal to the amount of each work order, assigned to the Contractor by the County. The Bond shall remain in effect at least until one (1) year after the date of the final work-order under this Contract, except as otherwise provided by law. The Bond shall be in a form acceptable to the County and be executed by such Sureties as are licensed to conduct business in Oregon and are named in the current list of "Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Re insuring Companies" as published in Circular 570 (amended) by the Audit Staff Bureau of Accounts, U.S. treasury Department. All Bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified copy of the authority to act. If the Surety on any Bond furnished by Contractor is declared bankrupt or becomes insolvent, or its right to do business is terminated in Oregon, or it ceases to meet the requirements, Contractor shall within five (5) days thereafter substitute another Bond and Surety, both of which shall be acceptable to County. GENERAL INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS All work shall be completed in compliance with Buyer Attachment A - Site Built Housing and Mobile Home Specifications for the State of Oregon and all applicable amendments. Should the State of Oregon adopt a new version of Site Built Housing and Mobile Home Specifications for the State of Oregon, they are automatically electronically incorporated with this ITB, replacing any prior version(s), and any resulting County contract(s) may be amended by the County. It is the contractor's responsibility to ensure that all their current work products and operations reflect the currently issued (at the time of a work order assignment to a contractor) Site Built Housing and Mobile Home Specifications manual. Within the short descriptions contained in this solicitation, various specification numbers are included for proposer convenience only. Contractors are responsible for delivering the work items in compliance with Buyer Attachment A in its entirety. In the event that program standards exceed requirements under Buyer Attachment A - Site Built Housing and Mobile Home Specifications for the State of Oregon Weatherization Assistance Program, the higher standard shall be used. In the event that Site Built Housing and Mobile Home Specifications for the State of Oregon Weatherization Assistance Program shall be updated, Contractor shall be given 90 days from date of notification to comply with new standards. If Contractor fails to comply within the allocated time no new orders shall be issued until the standards are met. Contractors must comply with all applicable provisions of Executive Order #11246 as amended by Executive Order #11375 of the President of the United States dated September 24, 1965, Title VI, of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (43 U.S.C. 2000[d]) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as implemented by 45 C.F.R. 84.4 and the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law #101-336 and all enacting regulations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Department of Justice. Contractors must meet all insurance requirements set forth in the Sample Contract, at the time of contracting to be eligible to perform work under ITB-83-2023. Split-System Heat Pump Systems Requirements Split-system, air source heat pumps must meet the following minimum requirements: . HSPF of 8.0 or better New HSPF2 7.5 of better . EER of 12.5 or better New SEER2 of 14.3 or better Ductless Heat Pump Requirements: Ductless heat pumps are most appropriate for homes with open floor plans, since each indoor "head" can serve the entire "zone" not blocked by doorways. Ductless heat pump models installed through the resulting contract(s) must meet the following specifications: (changed Addendum 2) *Must meet minimum 10.0 HSPF and 12.5 EER or better.* Have variable speed compressor ("inverter technology") - providing more efficient operation to match the heating/cooling needs of the house under a variety of weather conditions. Be listed in the ARI directory and provide at least 50 percent of rated capacity efficient operation when outside air is 17 F. and have no built-in electric resistance heat. Posses and maintain active NATE Certifications and LRRP certificate since some of the installation may be disturbing lead based paint. The appliance vendor/contractor recovering the refrigerant must possess CFC certification by EPA-approved section 608 Type I, or universal certification. Installation must be performed by a PTCS Certified Technician or PTCS Master Heat Pump Technician and contractor must maintain Certification while contracting with the County. Must:provide a copy of the Commissioned Heat Pump Certificate and Startup Form to DCHS Weatherization Program at completion of each installation. Performance Tested Comfort Systems Certifications: The Performance Tested Comfort Systems (PTCS) program is supported by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and Northwest public utilities. To ensure quality, energy-efficient installation, the County requires contractors installing heat pumps to be certified by an approved trainer and agree to the terms of the PTSC program. WEATHERIZATION TOXICS REDUCTION REQUIREMENTS Adhesives and Sealants: must be low or no VOC. Contractors may choose products certified by Scientific Certification Systems (SCS) as Gold Indoor Advantage or GREENGUARD Gold certified for Indoor Air Quality (or other demonstrable equivalent). Prohibited Ingredients: Formaldehyde - products containing formaldehyde are prohibited from use in any work under the ITB. If a suitable alternative is not available, Contractors must submit a Substitution Request to the Weatherization Program. Hazardous Materials All materials that include solvents, paints, cleaning agents, chemicals, reagents or other hazardous materials shall be labeled in accordance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 437-155-020 with the name(s) of the hazardous ingredient(s), the hazard(s) of the material(s) and the appropriate precautions. Those materials for which toxicological or hazard data are unavailable shall carry a label stating: "Toxicological and other hazards unknown. Handle as extremely hazardous." Weatherization Toxics Reduction Strategy Multnomah County recognizes that weatherization and other energy efficiency upgrades can have negative impacts on occupant health and safety if not accompanied by appropriate indoor air quality (IAQ) protections. With an increase in weatherization and energy efficiency improvement activities, the County seeks to ensure that energy upgrades are accompanied by appropriate IAQ actions. Due to the enactment of air quality laws and green building certifications, major manufacturers now offer products that limit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions and prohibit the use of specific toxic chemicals. No-VOC and low-VOC products are readily available and becoming the industry standard and as a result, such products can be used at no additional cost. Contractors are expected to meet and exceed County toxics reduction requirements for IAQ on projects issued under this ITB to reduce negative health and safety impacts on vulnerable clients. FUNDING Funding of the work described in this solicitation is not guaranteed. Fluctuations in funding year-to-year should be expected, potentially large fluctuations may occur. The County cannot assure that any particular level of funding will be provided and the contract will permit the County to add or remove funds as necessary depending on availability of funding. Permits:The County will not pay for, or reimburse vendors, for any expenses related to construction permits for work to be performed under the resultant contract. Permits are considered as part of the vendor's normal operational expenses and those costs must be factored into the relevant bid items. CUSTOMER SERVICE Customer service is a priority of the Multnomah County Weatherization Program. Contractors are expected to maintain positive customer relationships at all times and adhere to the following customer service standards. All Contractors must ensure that the Contractor's employees, subcontractors, and subcontractor's employees shall treat each customer with dignity and respect. Recognizing that customers may not be knowledgeable about weatherization projects and the equipment being installed in their homes, the Contractor shall ensure customers are knowledgeable about the new heating systems that will be, or has been, installed in their home. Contractors must communicate with customers regarding construction strategy, activities, and work schedule. Contractors must maintain a work environment that minimizes inconvenience to the household. Contractors must educate customers as to how the proper use and care of the products and materials installed can help them save energy and money, the ways in which customers can maintain and extend the life of any installed products, the use and care of any customer adjustable products. Contractors must provide product warranties and documentation to the household and assist owner with processing warranty cards and/or online registration, review Owners Guide and provide a copy to the owner, and provide guidance on proper operation and maintenance and instruct the owner or the operator how to start, stop, program thermostat and adjust temperature settings. Any customer complaints received by the County will be maintained by the Weatherization Program and attached to the Contractor's contract file. The County will review complaints and determine appropriate action including but not limited to withholding award of work orders. OREGON REVISED STATUTES INCORPORATED The provisions of Oregon Revised Statutes 279.310 through 279.430, Public Contracts, as applicable are incorporated herein by reference. Any bidder accepting a purchase order from County and/or executing a Contract with County for the delivery of materials and/or services agrees to comply with said provisions. GENERAL PROVISIONS TERM The contract term shall not exceed five (5) years. County may, at its discretion, cancel existing contracts, re-bid the work and/or establish new contracts before the end of the contract period. STANDARDS The items purchased by the County shall conform to the specifications and standards referenced herein and attached hereto as a part of the Invitation to Bid. The bidder must include any required descriptive literature and warranty of the item(s) being bid. The apparent silence of the general provisions, specifications, and standards as to any detail or the apparent omission from it of a detailed description concerning any point shall be regarded as meaning that only best commercial practice is to prevail and that only material and workmanship of first quality are to be used. It is understood that if any manufacturers' names, trade names, make, model or catalog numbers are used in the Specifications, they are for the purpose of describing and establishing general quality levels. Such references are not intended to be restrictive. Bids for equivalent items will be considered provided that such items are identified as to manufacturers' name, trade name, make, model, and catalog number. Samples must be presented for inspection if requested by the County. Samples of items must be furnished free of expense to the County. If not destroyed or mutilated in testing, samples will, upon request, be returned at bidder's expense. Items shall be new, current models of standard production, unless otherwise called for in the specifications or noted in the bid as a deviation or alternative bid, and shall be completely prepared for customer delivery and use through service by a factory franchised agent or dealer prior to delivery. Item delivery shall include all pre-delivery inspection sheets, coupons, certificates, and warranty identification cards furnished to the trade in general and all shall be properly completed and signed in accordance with industry standards. All items offered of an electrical nature shall indicate the current UL listing, if any. In addition, any goods such as fire protection equipment, etc., for which there is a UL testing procedure shall also include the UL listing, if any. Any other certification such as Factory Mutual, etc., shall be noted in the offer. Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) During the performance of this Contract, the Contractor is required to comply with the standards and regulations pertaining to asbestos handling, removal and abatement set forth by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). The Contractor shall further agree to hold the county, its employees, agents, commissioners and assigns harmless free from liability for failure to comply with said standards and regulations by Contractor. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to remain familiar with applicable standards and regulations and maintain their enforcement. WARRANTY POLICY Contractors shall furnish warranty in agreement with and as called for in the specifications. In addition, the warranty shall include the following: There shall be no distance or time limitations, not applicable to the trade in general, on either standard or extended warranty or labor. All franchised or authorized dealers of the item in the state shall honor warranty. Any extended warranty period customarily granted shall be made available to County at no additional cost. County shall be advised of all product recall on all or any part of the item, at no additional cost. All product recall information, replacement parts and labor, shall be provided to the County as soon as available to dealer. Contractor shall assist homeowner in filing all required warranty documents and must provide warranty documents to the homeowner at the time of system installation. Contractor shall honor a two (2) year parts and labor warranty. WEATHERIZATION PROJECT MODELING, MASTER GRANT AGREEMENT, AND SAVINGS TO INVESTMENT RATIO (SIR) All weatherization projects issued by Multnomah County are subject to rules and agreements between Multnomah County and the State of Oregon, as outlined in a Master Grant Agreement (MGA). This includes a listing of State and Federal funding guidelines and associated Health & Safety percentages; unit expenditure averages; and Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) requirements. Multnomah County must follow these policies and procedures when determining which project to go forward withand which weatherization measures may be completed within each project. Multnomah County will provide a weatherization audit for each potential project prior to assigning a work order and determining a contractor. The information collected from the audit will be used along with utility usage, cost information, and funding availability to determine the measures that may be selected for this potential project. No weatherization project will be completed under this process that will violate funding rules or the MGA guidelines. Emergency projects, defined as "no-heat projects" where the home furnace or source of heat is not working and a contractor is asked to respond and repair within 48 hours, or provide a space heater if the heater can not be repaired for under $300, are exempt from the weatherization audit process. BID PRICE UPDATES Bid pricing is to remain fixed for the first two (2) years of the resulting contracts, after which the County may, at its discretion, request price updates from Contractors on an annual basis. The Weatherization Program will use any updated prices when calculating work orders. The Weatherization Program will use any updated prices when calculating work orders. The County will also consider providing all Contractors with an annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) increase based on our appropriate cost index, as of 2018 Portland is under the West Region. This COLA adjustment would begin after the second year of the Contract. CONTRACTOR DEBARMENT AND CCB LICENSURE When/if a contractor becomes disqualified from performing public work projects the contractor is required to: Immediately stop all associated County work activity; and Notify the County Weatherization unit of disqualification / debarment, where the receipt of the notification from the contractor is received by the County Weatherization unit within one (1) business day. The US General Services Administration identifies contractors that are debarred, while the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) identifies contractor's license status, such as Active, or Suspended. Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) Licensing / Endorsements / Disqualification Oregon law requires anyone who works for compensation in any construction activity involving improvements to real property to be licensed with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB). This includes roofing, siding, painting, carpentry, concrete, on-site appliance repair, heating and air conditioning, home inspections, tree service, plumbing, electrical, floor covering, manufactured dwelling installation, land development, and most other construction and repair services. The CCB requires that all contractor license status be in "Active" status to submit bids and to start/complete work. A contractor becomes disqualified to perform work when their status becomes other than "Active." Other status levels are: expired, suspended, not active/cross referenced, inactive sabbatical, voluntary terminated, revoked. When a status becomes other than "Active" where that status is not a voluntary action by the contractor, the contractor will lose the ability to be awarded future work orders under this ITB for: The 1st offense during the length of the executed contact - 30 days; The 2nd offense during the length of the executed contract - six (6) months; and/or through the life of any resulting contract The 3rd offense during the length of the executed contract - the life of any resulting contract Special Certifications/Licenses/Endorsements In addition to a CCB license, by law individuals or businesses performing specific work may be required to have special individual or business certifications, licenses, and /or endorsements. The new licensing endorsement system distinguishes between residential contractors and commercial contractors. Some contractors may be required to have a dual endorsement. See: http://www.oregon.gov/CCB/board.shtml No project award shall be made to any contractor who is at the time ineligible under the provisions of any applicable regulations of the Department of Labor to receive an award of such contract. Excluded Entities [Previously known as Excluded Parties List System (EPLS)] Multnomah County will incorporate the standards held by the US General Services Administration regarding contractor debarment. When a contractor becomes "Debarred"** the contractor will lose the ability to be awarded future work orders under this ITB throughout the life of the procurement and resulting contract. System for Award Management(SAM) The System for Award Management (SAM) is a Federal Government owned and operated free web site that consolidates the capabilities in CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS. electronic, web based system that identifies those parties excluded from receiving federal contracts, certain subcontracts, and certain types of federal financial and non-financial assistance and benefits. The EPLS keeps the user community aware of administrative and statutory exclusions across the entire government, suspected terrorists, and individuals barred from entering the United States. Users are able to search, view, and download both current and archived exclusions. Exclusion Ineligible (Proceedings Pending) Ineligible (Proceedings Completed) Prohibition/Restriction Voluntary Exclusion Cause Debarment by an agency pursuant to FAR 9.406-2, GPO Instructions 110.11A, or PS Publication 41, for one or more of the following causes (a) conviction of or civil judgment for fraud violation of antitrust laws, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, false statements, or other offenses indicating a lack of business integrity; (b) violation of the terms of a Government contract, such as a willful failure to perform in accordance with its terms or a history of failure to perform; or (c) any other cause of a serious and compelling nature affecting responsibility. (See Code N- Debarment pursuant to FAR 9.406 2(b)(2) Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988.) Contractors are excluded from receiving contracts, and agencies shall not solicit offers from, award contracts to renew or otherwise extend the duration of current contracts, or consent to subcontracts with these contractors, unless the acquiring agency's head or a designee determines that there is a compelling reason for such action. Government prime contractors, when required by the terms of their contract, shall not enter into any subcontract equal to or in excess of $25,000 with a contractor that is debarred, suspended, or proposed for debarment, unless there is a compelling reason to do so. Debarments are for a specified term as determined by the debarring agency and as indicated in the listing. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAW Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws applicable to the work under this Contract, and all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant to those laws, including, without limitation, the following laws. Failure to comply with this paragraph shall be a breach of this Contract. Contractor shall make payment promptly, as due, to all persons supplying Contractor labor or material for work under this Contract; pay all contributions or amounts due the Industrial Accident Fund from Contractor or any subcontractor incurred in the performance of the Contract; not permit any lien or claim to be filed or prosecuted against the state, county, school district, municipality, municipal corporation or subdivision thereof, on account of any labor or material furnished; and pay to the Department of Revenue all sums withheld from employees pursuant to ORS 316.167. ORS 279.312, ORS 279B220 If Contractor fails, neglects or refuses to make prompt payment of any claim for labor or services furnished to Contractor or a subcontractor by any person in connection with this Contract as such claim becomes due, County may pay such claim to the person furnishing the labor or services and charge the amount of the payment against funds due or to become due Contractor by reason of this Contract. The payment of a claim under this section shall not relieve Contractor or Contractor's surety from any obligation with respect to any unpaid claims. ORS 279.314, ORS 279B220 Contractor shall not employ any person for more than ten (10) hours in any one (1) day, or 40 hours in any one (1) week, except in cases of necessity, emergency, or where the public policy absolutely requires it, and in such cases, except in cases of Contracts for personal services as defined in ORS 279.051, the laborer shall be paid at least time and a half pay: For all overtime in excess of eight (8) hours a day or 40 hours in any one (1) week when the work week is five (5) consecutive days, Monday through Friday; and For all overtime in excess of ten (10) hours a day or 40 hours in any one (1) week when the work week is four (4) consecutive days, Monday through Friday; and For work performed on Saturday and on any legal holiday specified in any applicable collective bargaining agreement or in ORS 279.334 (1)(a)(C)(ii) to (vii). The requirement to pay at least time and a half for all overtime worked in excess of 40 hours in any one (1) week, shall not apply to individuals who are excluded under ORS 653.010 to 653.261 or under 29 U.S.C. section 201 to 209 from receiving overtime. ORS 279.316, ORS 279.334 (8). ORS 279B020, ORS279B.235. Contractor shall promptly, as due, make payment to any person, co-partnership, association or corporation furnishing medical, surgical and hospital care or other needed care and attention incident to sickness or injury to the employees of such Contractor, of all sums which the Contractor agrees to pay for such services and all moneys and sums which the Contractor collected or deducted from the wages of employees pursuant to any law, contract or agreement for the purpose of providing or paying for such service. All employers working under this Contract are subject employers that will comply with ORS 656.017. ORS 279.320, ORS 279B.230. Contractor shall maintain in effect all licenses, permits and certifications required for the performance of the work. Contractor shall notify County immediately if any license, permit, or certification required for performance of this Contract ceases to be in effect for any reason. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATIVE PURCHASING Other public agencies may establish contracts or price agreements directly with the awarded Contractor under the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract as established from this ITB, pursuant to ORS 279A.215 and Multnomah County's Public Contracting Review Board procurement rules. Any such purchases shall be between the Contractor and the participating public agency and shall not impact the Contactor's obligation to Multnomah County. Any estimated purchase volumes listed herein do not include other public agencies and Multnomah County makes no guarantee as to their participation. Any proposer, by written notification included with their solicitation response, may accept or decline to extend the prices and terms of this solicitation to other public agencies (see Buyer Attachment C). BID DOCUMENTS All documents for this bid are available for view and download on the Buyer Attachments page of this Sourcing Event. The Buyer Attachments page includes the following: Procedural Instructions Sample Contract Buyer Attachment A - Site Built Housing and Mobile Home Specifications for the State of Oregon Buyer Attachment B - Heating Lines Worksheet Buyer Attachment C - Cooperative Agreement BID SUBMISSION Bids must be submitted electronically through this Sourcing Event. Stage Description For this event, please submit your line item bids in the "Items" section of the Sourcing Event. Included in this event is Buyer Attachment B - Heating Line Items. This attachment serves as a stand alone worksheet to assist in the pricing of each line item. This form is not required to be completed during the sourcing event. Multnomah County Weatherization may request the completed worksheet during contract negotiations from qualified proposers. This information must be consistent with the submitted bid and will be used to assist the allocation of work orders when necessary. A completed Buyer Attachment B - Heating Line Items is not required at the time of response submission. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING In addition to your bid, complete and upload the Cooperative Purchasing Agreement form (Buyer Attachment C) from the Buyer Attachments page to the Supplier Attachments, indicating whether your firm will extend pricing and services offered to Multnomah County to other public agencies at the same terms. This form will not impact the scoring of your proposal(s).



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