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Published February 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Wayne, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; theater / auditorium; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Tredyffrin/Easttown School District requests sealed bids for Bid Package 2, Interior Renovations and Upgrades at Devon Elementary School (DES), Hillside Elementary School (HES), New Eagle Elementary School (NEES), Valley Forge Elementary School (VFES), Tredyffrin/Easttown Middle School (TEMS), Valley Forge Middle School (VFMS), and Conestoga High School (CHS) The project consists of miscellaneous general construction, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing renovations, and upgrades to Devon Elementary School (DES), Hillside Elementary School (HES), New Eagle Elementary School (NEES), Valley Forge Elementary School (VFES), Tredyffrin/Easttown Middle School (TEMS), Valley Forge Middle School (VFMS), and Conestoga High School (CHS). Work includes casework replacement and upgrades at DES and TEMS, construction of interior vestibules at NEES, VFES, and TEMS, floor finish replacements and upgrades at VFES, VFMS, and CHS. Storefront and door replacements at DES and HES. Window replacements at CHS. Restroom Upgrades at VFES. Mop receptor replacements at VFES and TEMS. Domestic water piping replacements at TEMS and CHS. Emergency Panel Upgrades at VFES and TEMS, Emergency Lighting Upgrades at DES. Auditorium Lighting replacement at TEMS, VFMS, and CHS. Cafeteria Lighting replacement at CHS. Wiremold replacements at VFES loctaions- Devon Elementary School - 400 S Fairfield Rd, Devon, PA 19333 Hillside Elementary School - 507 Howellville Rd, Berwyn, PA 19312 New Eagle Elementary School - 507 Pugh Rd, Wayne, PA 19087 Tredyffrin/Easttown Middle School - 801 Conestoga Rd Berwyn, PA 19312 Conestoga High School - 200 Irish Road Berwyn, PA 19312 Valley Forge Middle School - 105 Walker Rd Wayne, PA 19087 Valley Forge Elementary School - 99 Walker Rd, Wayne, PA 19087 Provide and install new split system air conditioning units and all associated hangers, supports, refrigerant piping, insulations, controls and wiring. . Provide and install new cabinet unit heater all associated ductwork, hot water supply and return piping, controls and wiring. 6. Provide and install fin tube radiator and all associated supports, hot water supply and return piping, fittings, valves, controls and wiring. . Provide all new piping, ductwork, & equipment insulation. . Provide complete system balancing at the completion of the project per contract specifications. . Provide all associated control equipment required unless otherwise noted. . Providing all necessary permits, approvals, fees, etc. . Provide instructions to the owner as outlined in these Specifications. . Provide all cutting and patching as required to perform the work of this contract. . Provide all necessary rigging as required to perform the work of this contract. . Provide manufacturer startup for all systems specified as outlined in these Specifications. . Provide removal of trash and general clean-up. . Provide as-built drawings. . Provide operation and maintenance manuals. . Employ the services of the local Underwriters' Inspection Agency and pay for all associated fees. . Completion Date: All HVAC work shall be completed on the date of substantial completion for the project as set in the Division 1 specifications. The Mechanical Contractor will: a. Furnish and set all motors for mechanical equipment. b. Furnish all motor starters, VFDs, starter/disconnects, HVAC unit mounted disconnects, contactors, pushbuttons and switches for local and remote control of all HVAC equipment and turn over to the Electrical Contractor for installation. c. Provide pre-wired control panels, including relays, switches, pilot lights, etc., all as shown and/or specified, complete with wiring to numbered terminal strips. d. Furnish and install duct and pipe-mounted control devices, such as freezestats, aquastats, flow switches, etc. e. Furnish wiring diagrams for the systems, in sufficient time to allow roughing-in of conduit in accordance with the proposed work schedule. f. Provide the 120-24V transformers for the VAVs to the EC for installation and wiring. MC shall provide all 24V wiring. g. For HVAC controls, the MC or their controls sub-contractor is responsible to provide all control wiring including 120V controls, 120V power to controls cabinets, 120V power and 120/24V control power transformers as required for a complete and fully functional system. EC will install the main power feeds to each piece of HVAC equipment only. h. Provide all data CAT6 cabling, as required, for the HVAC controls equipment and systems from the nearest IDF or MDF closet. MC shall hire the EC's low-voltage sub-contractor to perform this work for consistency. i. Receive duct detectors and air sampling tubes from the EC and install in the ductwork. MC shall provide and install all shut-down and system activation wiring from the smoke detectors to the respective units. construction can be completed on or before August 21, 2023




Public - County

Renovation, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Wayne, PA

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Bid Package 2 - Interior Renovations and Upgrades at DES, HES, NEES, VFES, TEMS, VFMS & CHS

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