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Published November 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a clubhouse / community center in Redmond, Oregon. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a clubhouse / community center; and for site work for a clubhouse / community center.

As of November 14, 2023, a construction manager has been selected. Construction timeline is unknown. The Redmond Area Park and Recreation District (District) is an Oregon Special District that provides recreation programming and park services. Redmond is located in Deschutes County, with a service population of approximately 45,000. The District is governed by a Board of Directors comprised of five elected directors. The board acts as the Local Contract Review Board for the District. The new Community Recreation Center is expected to be constructed at SW 35th and Lava Ave in Redmond, Oregon. This land, approximately 9.5 acres was purchased by RAPRD in January 2009. The new community recreation center is needed because the RAPRD currently operates a 25-meter swim facility that was constructed in 1979 and is located on property that RAPRD leases and no longer meets the needs of the growing population. Voters in the Redmond Area Park and Recreation District boundary approved a $49 million bond for the construction of this approximately 74,000 square foot facility in November 2022. The new community recreation center will provide the ability to meet current and future recreation needs of the greater Redmond community. The facility is planned to include the following amenities: Pools for swimming lessons, aquatic exercise classes, therapy, recreation, and lap swimming. (Both a competitive pool and a separate leisure pool) Gymnasium for multipurpose programming use Indoor Walking track, Exercise facilities and equipment, Group fitness room(s), Classroom/special events and meeting space for recreation programming, events, and meetings, Administrative and support spaces including locker rooms, lobby, and office space. Other amenities, which may include outdoor sports fields, sport courts, playground, and walking paths. Redmond Area Park and Recreation District (RAPRD) is soliciting proposals for a qualified professional and experienced consultant for the purpose of providing the services of Owner's Representative to the Redmond Area Park and Recreation District for predevelopment, design and construction management, and closeout of new Community Recreation Center. If you have questions about obtaining the RFP of the process, or need clarification please contact Katie Hammer, Executive Director at 541-548-7275 or katie.hammer@raprd.org. All requests for clarification must be by email or through the Oregon Buys website no later than January 19, 2023, at 5:00pm (PST). Redmond Area Park and Recreation District reserved the right to reject proposals not in compliance with the prescribed procedures and requirement set forth in the RFP and may reject for good cause any or all responses upon a finding of the district that it is in the public interest to do so. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Clubhouse / Community Centers


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Multiple Locations, Redmond, OR

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