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Published March 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a municipal facility in Meridian, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the demolition of a municipal facility; and for site work for a municipal facility.

This project consist s of selective demolition in existing CTE building as described in the Construction Documents and Specifications. Existing CTE building is located at: 412 US 11 80 East, Meridian, MS 39301. This project will consist of the following general scope of work. This description is provided for convenience purposes only and shall not be considered all inclusive. It is the general contractor's responsibility to become fully familiar with the existing conditions, review all of the construction document drawings, specifications, and any additional information documents in their entirety and bring forth any and all questions regarding scope confusion, misinterpretations, and/or possible errors and omissions to the Architect and/or Engineer prior to bid submission and/or start of construction. 1. This project consists of Selective demolition in existing building Inquires can be made to the office of the Architect, MP Design Group, 918 Howard Ave, Ste F, Biloxi, MS 39530; phone: 228-388-1950; Fax: 228-388-1971 No bid shall be accepted or considered after such scheduled time. Bids are to be received in full compliance with Mississippi Code 1972, Section 31-3-1 et seq and Section 31-7-13. Awards based on conditions stated in Instructions to Bidders and Specifications. Proposals shall be submitted in duplicate on form provided and accompanied by a Bid Bond or Security in an amount equal to at least 5% of the amount of the submitted Base Proposal. Such security to be forfeited as liquidated damages, not penalty, by any bidder who fails to carry out the terms of the accepted Bid and/or execute the Contract and post Performance and Payment Bond as required within the time specified. Bidders must hold a Certificate of Responsibility to comply with Sections 31-3-1 through 31-3-23 Mississippi Code of 1972 and amendments thereto and be licensed by the Mississippi State Tax Commission. As per section 31-3-21, all bids submitted for public projects where said bid is in excess of $50,000 shall contain on the outside of the envelope and/or Subject Line of Electronic Bids, the "contractor's current certificate of responsibility number". No bid shall be opened unless such certificate number appears on the envelope and/or Subject Line of Electronic Bid or unless there appears a statement on the outside of the envelope and/or Subject Line of Electronic Bid to the effect that bid enclosed therewith did not exceed $50,000. The Certificate of Responsibility Number or Statement as thus noted; the Bid Number & Name (Bid # 0304.22.001 - Lauderdale CTE Demolition); and the bidder's name and address must be clearly indicated on the outside of the sealed bid envelope and/or Subject Line of Electronic Bid or said bid will not be opened and/or considered. A copy of the General Contractor's proof of Mississippi License shall be included in the submitted bid packet. No Bid Proposal may be withdrawn for a period of sixty days (60) after scheduled opening. The Lauderdale County Board of Education reserves the right to accept/reject any and all bids and waives informalities. Complete the Work in 300 calendar days from Notice to Proceed.




Public - County

Demolition, Site Work





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February 2, 2023

March 5, 2023


412 US-11, Meridian, MS

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