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Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Durham, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a medical facility; for site work for a water / sewer project; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

PRESOLICITATION NOTICE Project #558-24-158 Correct Atrium Fire Protection Issues The Department of Veterans Affairs, 508 Fulton Street Durham, NC has a requirement for a qualified Architect-Engineering (AE) firm to provide professional architect/engineer (A/E) services for Project 558-24-158 to correct the structural deficiencies recently discovered in an inspection at the VA Medical Center, Durham, NC. General Scope: The initial phase is to produce an acceptable design for bid. This design will allow the Design-Bid-Build (DBB) Contractor to provide the following services: 1. Building 1 structural deficiencies. There has been steam leaks in the building mechanical rooms over the years. Investigate building mechanical rooms and basement to determine if there is any structural damage to the building steel, document and design required repairs to structural steel and structural fire proofing to restore the building to current codes. 2. Repair Building 8 site of structural deficiencies. 3. Campus sidewalk failures requiring repair. 4. Building 23 site deficiencies. There are drainage issues around Building 23 (CLC) with water entering the building from the east entrance to the wing and the entrance from the courtyard. There are drainage issues on the north side of the building which needs repairs. 3. Architect-Engineering Services: a. Code Analysis - As part of the design the A/E will provide a detailed code analysis (per applicable codes) and comprehensive review of the existing site and determine any required solutions for the following items. i. Investigate campus mechanical rooms (inside the building and outside the building) as needed to determine if they have been damaged from excessive steam leaks during the hospital s operation. ii. Concrete spalling repairs in basement. iii. Pipe support failures requiring temporary jacks to provide support for building piping. iv. Repair interstitial steel Fire Proofing and non-compliant wall penetration fire stopping as required by code. Reroute piping as needed (gas, med gas, vacuum). Investigate interstitial and identify areas where fire proofing needs repair/replacement. v. Repair penthouse fire stopping as required by code. vi. Building 8 has site deficiencies which are causing the brick faAcade around the building skirt to become cracked and separating, indicating a settlement issue for the modular building. Investigate soil at site and determine solution to solve faAcade cracking and stabilizing soil from further degrading. The wooden retaining wall NE of the building needs repair as it is beginning to fail. Provide a new concrete retaining wall design. vii. Redesign sidewalk adjacent to Building 15 to prevent flooding into lobby from runoff coming downhill on sidewalk. viii. Repair sidewalk in front of Building 5. ix. Design removal of 40,000-gallon steel water tank removal from penthouse x. Design removal of 3,000-gallon steel water tank removal from penthouse xi. Building 23 drainage issues. 1. The eastern entrance to the wing is prone to flooding. The area on the east side of the building needs to be reevaluated and drainage adjusted to prevent water intrusion to the building. This includes the roof drain system which drains to the grass on the east side of the building. 2. The entrance from the courtyard is not sloped properly. The concrete at the entrance does not slope away from building properly. Evaluate and provide solution. 3. The electrical manhole north of the retaining wall of the CLC courtyard has water intrusion issues caused by the cistern underneath the courtyard which drains towards the retaining wall close to this manhole. Design water proofing for manhole to prevent further water intrusion. 4. North fence line drainage items. There is a yard drain inlet in the NE corner of the property which needs a properly sized inlet. Identify concrete swales repairs needed along northern property line. 5. Verify roof drainage system is properly sized and installed to underground system to cistern. Identify any repairs needed. xii. Solve drainage issues around 1st floor Main entrance roof into surrounding green space. This is causing flooding into ground floor Green Elevator area. xiii. Design adjustment to Garage A transformer pad to prevent rain runoff from impacting transformer. Investigate storm drain system of surrounding area and calculate capacity to determine if properly sized. a. The scope of engineering services shall include: i. Bidder Site Visit: Participate and facilitate this site visit in conjunction with the Contracting Officer and COR, contractors, and representatives of the Building Committee as needed. At this meeting, potential contractors will walk the site limits to discuss the scope of work. The AE shall also be required to evaluate RFI s resulting from the Bidder Site Visit, in order to clarify project requirements. ii. Pre-Construction Meeting: Participate and facilitate this meeting in conjunction with the Contracting Officer and COR, contractor, and representatives of the Building Committee as needed. At this meeting the staging area and work site rules shall be discussed again with the contractor (these should already be included in the specifications). Contract specifications should require a construction schedule submitted within 14 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed. iii. Submittal Review and Logs: Designer shall prepare and maintain a log of key submittals and of RFIs and provide the same to the Contracting Officer and COR. Reviewed submittals are to be returned within 10 working days to the COR. Designer is fully responsible for review of all submittals, retaining a record copy of submittals for turn over to the owner upon project completion, and communication with the contractor regarding any deficiencies or changes required to the submittals. iv. Response to RFI s: The A/E shall be responsible for evaluating RFI s to determine if a change will be required. The A/E shall then provide recommendations to the Contracting Officer. Within 48 hours, the A/E shall provide in writing the information, clarification or revision material needed to properly answer the RFI and to resolve the issue. The A/E shall include a cost/credit estimate for RFI s which result in a change to contract cost. v. Connstruction Change Orders: Designer shall prepare the Statement of Work and Cost estimates (returned within 10 calendar days) as needed. vi. Monthly Site Inspections: Designer shall meet monthly with the contractor, COR and others needed to inspect the progress of the construction and report any deficiencies to the same. vii. Monthly Progress Meetings: In conjunction with the monthly site inspection, the designer shall hold formal progress meetings with contractor, contracting officer, and COR. At these meetings the agenda shall contain a narrative of work completed the previous month, work upcoming, submittals or RFIs outstanding, schedule update, any special coordination items requiring actions, and discussion of change orders or time extension requests. Minutes of this meeting shall be issued within 3 working days of the meeting. viii. Final Acceptance Testing: The design team shall provide support for final inspection by a licensed architect and civil engineer for the final walk. ix. Project Close Out: Designer shall receive notice of intent for final inspection from the COR, and contractor shall propose a time and place for this to occur in conjunction with the Contracting Officer and the COR. Following the final inspection, the designer shall issue a punch list. Contract documents shall specify that the contractor has 15 calendar days to complete the punch list and notify the designer for re-inspection. Following re-inspection and project acceptance the closeout phase will occur. x. Record Drawing Submission: Provide 2 updated sets of drawings (30 x42 ) on bond marked as As-built Drawings that include the contractor s mark-ups and also an electronic copy of these updated drawings on CD in DWG and PDF formats. Project completion of construction documents, including final design, contract drawings, specifications, and cost estimate is to be 365 calendar days from contract award. Estimated construction magnitude is between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000. NAICS CODE: 541310 Size Standard: $16.5 Million The request for SF330s is anticipated to be a Total Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Set-Aside. Solicitation material will be available on/about January 18, 2023. Any specifications, drawings and amendments will be posted on this web site. SF330s will be due approximately 30 days after issuance of the solicitation. Location and points of contact for site visits will be identified in the solicitation. This notice is for informational purposes only and is not a request for proposals. The Government is not obligated to issue a solicitation as a result of this notice. No other information is available until issuance of the solicitation. No bidders list is maintained. All interested vendors should register on this website. It is the offerors responsibility to check the web site periodically for any amendments/notices to the solicitation. Prospective contractors must be registered in the System for Award Management (SAM) database in order to obtain access in BetaSAM. SAM and Vetbiz registration must be current and active to be eligible for contract award. Contractors please note: Online Representations and Certifications Applications (ORCA) apply to this solicitation. With ORCA; you now have the availability to enter and maintain your reps and certs with your proposal. Any questions regarding this announcement and all future announcements regarding this project must be emailed to NO TELEPHONE REQUEST FOR BIDDING MATERIAL WILL BE ACCEPTED. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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