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Demolition and site work for a mixed-use development in Ellensburg, Washington. Working plans call for the demolition of a 13,200-square-foot stadium; for site work for a stadium; 1,800-square-foot parking garage; parking garage; 1,900-square-foot residential development; residential development; 6,900-square-foot warehouse / distribution facility; and warehouse / distribution facility.

**As of February 14, 2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** For Manufactured Home, Barn., Arena, and Garage Demolition and Salvage Proposal in Kittitas County, WA Kittitas County Department of Public Works has a need for ser-vices removing and/or demolish-ing one (1) manufactured home, one (1) barn, one (1) garage, and one (1) arena, salvaging associat-ed. materials, disposing of unsal-vageable materials, and removing all materials within the vicinity of these structures, Four (4) buildings will be removed or demolished, salvage rights for the removed and demol-ished buildings will belong to the contractor, and unsalvage-able materials will be proper-ly disposed. The buildings to be removed/demolished include the following: 1. 1,900 square-foot manufac-tured home (model year 1977); 2. 1,800 square-foot garage; 3. 13,200 square-foot arena; and 4. 6,900 square-foot barn. Building photos are provided in Appendix A of this request.. A site map of the area is provided as Appendix B of this request. All associated debris and materi-als in the vicinity of each build-ing shall be property disposed of, hi:X.CEPT abandoned vehicles on site. Kittitas County will manage abandoned vehicles. These structures are locat-ed on parcels 808933, 957631, and 957632, at. 1030 Stone Rd., Ellensburg Washington, The site is south of the city of Ellen sburg. This project is scheduled to com-mence in February 2023, An tasks roust be completed by November 30, 2023. The work to be performed under this contract, consists of the follow-ing general tasks. 1) Permits and Fees Contractor is responsible for all permits, fees, inspections, and approvals necessary to demol-ish the buildings as outlined by standards established by feder-al, state, and local authorities. Kittitas County has already con-ducted. the necessary cultural resources consultation necessary to demolish the buildings. For cultural resources, the contrac-tor must have the approved inci-dental discovery plan provided by Kittitas County on site during all activities and the contractor must provide two-week notifica-tion to Kittitas County of any soil disturbing activities below two feet depth with Kittitas County, so that the county can arrange to have cultural resources monitor on site. 2) Building Demolition Contractor shall demolish and remove all above and below ground debris and appurtenanc-es including but not limited to the main structure, all footings, foundations, floors, and debris of any kind. This task includes mobilizing the crew and all nec-essary equipment to site, disman-tling the building so that salvage-able materials can be re-used, and unsalvageable materials can be disposed. There are no known underground storage tanks. 3) Material Salvage Salvage rights belong to the Contractor after Notice to Proceed is issued. All portions of the demo-litions must be removed, to include scrap metals, concrete; and other materials, Contractor may sell any and all materials and retain any proceeds from the sale of such materials. It is the expectation of Kittitas County that any proceeds earned by Contractor through recycling or salvaging will offset the costs of their services, Any plans to sell materials directly from the site wilt need to be first coordinated with, and approved in writing by, Kittitas County Public Works. 4) Final Cleanup No debris shall be left or bur-ied on the site. All debris, rub-bish, and other materials removed from this site must be disposed of in a legal manner. All demolition debris slated for disposal must be No debris shall be left or bur-ied on the site. All debris, rub-bish, and other materials removed from this site must be disposed of in a legal manner. All demolition debris slated for disposal must be taken to a licensed landfill, .All landfill receipts must be turned in before final approval and pay-ment, Excavated areas associated with the removal of all substruc-tures should be backfilled with excavated materials on site. The sites shall be leveled sufficient for the county to stabilize against any possible erosion. A review team within Public Works will review each submittal based on the scoring criteria pro-vided below: 1. :Detailed understanding of project scope and tasks: 40 points 2. Material Salvage Plan and Cost Offset: 20 points. 3. Comparable experience: 1.0 points 4. Ability to complete work by November 30, 2023: 20 points. Responders are encouraged to address each item listed in the scoring criteria above in their response to this solicitation. No page limits are provid-ed regarding the submittals for consideration. Any propos-als received a:fter the scheduled closing time for receipt of propos-als shall be deemed ineligible for award consideration. The submittal should: 1. Describe the proposed approach to completing the tasks and meeting the goals described in this REP, demonstrating that the respondent clearly possesses an. understanding of the scope of work required including: permit-ting and clearances; demolition site clearance and backfill/ site grading; possess the required licenses, insurance, bonding, etc, 2. Provide a general salvage proposal, including identification of materials to be salvaged, how these materials will be used (e.g., sold as building materials, recy-cled) and how proceeds from mate-rial salvage will be credited to off-set the costs of services provided under the contract. 3. Describe similar jobs com-pleted. by the respondent in the past. 4, Demonstrate the ability to complete all tasks by November 30, 2023. The County Reserves the Right to: 1. Reject any and all proposals received in response to this REP, if deemed to be in the best inter-est of the project and in consider-ation of the limited grant funds available. 2. Waive or modify any irreg-ularities in proposals received, after prior notification to the pro-ponent. 3, Consider proposals or mod-ifications received at any time before the award is made, if such action is in the best interest, of the County, 4. Seek clarification of each contractor's proposal, For your records, the County will provide a confirmation email to the contacts provided in the submittal confirming receipt of your interest in the propos-al. Submittals received after February 3, 2023, will be disre-garded. SELECTION PROCESS AND PROPOSED SCHEDULE: Kittitas County's selection will be based on the review and rank-ing of qualifications submitted, Public Works anticipates making awards for service by February 21, 2023. The above noted schedule is tentative and may be changed based on the number of propos-als submitted. Proposals will be evaluated immediately with final selection targeted for mid-February 2023. Direct all inquiries regarding this request for services to Arden Thomas, Public Works Water Resource Manager at (509) 962- 7523, or via e-mail:

Final Planning

Residential Subdivision


Public - County

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1030 Stone Rd, Ellensburg, WA

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