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Published February 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Shiloh, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Project has been awarded but award amount not confirmed. A. Notice to Bidders: Bidders may submit bids for project as described in this Document. Submit bids according to the Instructions to Bidders. B. Regulatory Requirements: The Project for which construction proposals are being solicited is subject to applicable provisions of the statues and regulations of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, including the Commonwealth Procurement Code, Pennsylvania Human Relations Act, the Anti-bid-Rigging Law, the Bid Withdrawal Act, the Public Works Contractors Bond Law, the Steel Products Procurement Act, the Public School Code of 1949, the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act, the Resident Labor Statute, the Trade Practices Act, the Utilities Protection Act ("Pa. One-Call"), the Public Works Employment Verification Act, and the Act 114 FBI Fingerprint Report shall govern submittal, opening, and award of bids. C. It is intended that this project will be constructed using Prevailing Wages Project Rates as determined by the Bureau of Labor Law Compliance for York County PA. Project Description: 1. Project cost range is anticipated to be under $10,000,000. I. Construction Contract: Bids will be received for the following Work: 1. General Construction Contract 2. Electrical Construction Contract 3. Mechanical Construction Contract 4. Plumbing Construction Contract 5. The Owner shall procure separate proposals for Audio Visual, Information Technology and Security and shall assign oversight of those contracts to the successful General Construction Contractor for inclusion in their bid and Work. Each proposal shall be accompanied by an approved Surety Company's Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the Base Bid. A certified check in the amount of 10% of the Base Bid is also acceptable. Prebid Meeting: See Document 002513 "Prebid Meetings." B. Prebid Meeting: No official pre-bid meeting is scheduled for this project. The site is open an accessible for bidders to become familiar with existing conditions. Successful bidder shall begin the Work on receipt of the Notice to Proceed and shall complete the Work within the Contract Time of Four Hundred Twenty-Five (425) Calendar Days. A. Bidders must submit qualifications statement with their bids, in the form required in the bidding documents, for their bid to be considered. The Owner reserves the right to award the contract to the lowest responsible and qualified bidder. B. Bidders must be properly licensed under the laws governing their respective trades and be able to obtain insurance and bonds required for the Work. A Performance Bond, separate Labor and Material Payment Bond, and Insurance in a form acceptable to Owner will be required of the successful Bidder.




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January 31, 2023

March 15, 2023


1710 Westgate Dr, Shiloh, PA

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