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Published March 21, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Springfield, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

GC RFI and rsquos will be received until 1/27/2023 at 4:00pm The Project consists of: and bull; Replace both boilers with (3) new high efficiency gas fired steam boilers. Boiler controls shall be provided by the boiler manufacturer and operate via outdoor temperature reset. The boilers shall tie into the school and rsquo;s Building Management System for monitoring, adjustments, and alarms. and bull; Replace piping as needed within the mechanical room to make the necessary connections to operate the heating system and ndash; all piping to be insulated per code required thicknesses. and bull; Provide all new pumps and ndash; boiler pumps shall be by the boiler manufacturer for the boiler loop (in primary/stand-by arrangement) interlocked with dedicated automatic control valves for each boiler. and bull; Remove all existing fuel-oil piping, pumps, and other accessories that have been abandoned in place. and bull; Venting of the boilers shall be installed vertically up through the existing roof. The existing boiler breaching shall be removed in its entirety and the existing exterior placed chimney is to be removed. Bids are subject to M.G.L. c.149 sect;44A-Jamp; to minimum wage rates as required by M.G.L. c.l49 sect;sect;26 to 27H inclusive. General bidders must be certified by the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) in the following category of work -- HVAC and must submit a current DCAMM Certificate of Eligibility and signed DCAMM Prime Update Statement (Form CQ 3). SUBTRADES Section 220000 ndash; Plumbing Electrical 26 00 01 is still a FSB General bids and sub-bids shall be accompanied by a bid deposit that is not less than five (5%) of the greatest possible bid amount (considering all alternates), and made payable to the City of Springfield. The City of Springfield supports the goal of twenty percent minority and women participation in all contracts. No questions will be answered unless received by the Chief Procurement Officer at least 7 days prior to the expiration of the time set for submitting bids or proposals. The Chief Procurement Officer reserves the right to waive any informality in and to reject any or all bids if it is in the public interest to do so. Contact: Hope Button hbutton@springfieldcityhall.com (413) 784-4898




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February 7, 2023

April 10, 2023


1840 Roosevelt Ave, Springfield, MA

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