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Renovation of a water / sewer project in Carson, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project.

**As of February 27, 2023 , this project has not yet been awarded. The project is expected to be awarded on March 2, 2023.**  Install Electric Vehicle Charger at Joint Water Pollution Control Plant (Solids Facility) QUESTCDN No. 8355857 DESCRIPTION: The Districts is seeking bids from certified contractors with EVITP certified electrician(s) to provide labor, equipment, and material to install electrical conduit and wire, and to install a provided DC fast charger at JWPCP (Solids Facility). At time of bid, the Contractor shall possess a valid California Contractor's License in the following classification: C-10 with EVITP certified electrician(s). Question Cut-Off Date: 01/23/2023 Any questions regarding this bid must be directed per the instructions listed within the bid package. PROJECT ESTIMATE: $86,000 The Districts encourage participation in its construction contracting by all members of the community including Minority Business Enterprises (MBE), Women Business Enterprises (WBE), Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE), Disabled Veterans Business Enterprises (DVBE) and Small Business Enterprises (SBE). The Districts has established an aspirational goal of 20 percent overall participation by such firms. 1. Provide and install one NEMA 4X stainless-steel hinged gasketed pull box to intercept with four existing, abandoned 2" Aluminum conduits. Note that the charging station manufacturer calls for one 3" conduit, however two of the existing 2" conduits will be used instead. 2. Provide and install approximately 140' x 2 runs of 2" PVC-coated Rigid Steel conduit from the new NEMA 4X pull box adjacent to the proposed EV charger. 3. Provide labor to core 2 x 3" coring to penetrate with 2 x 2" PVC-coated Rigid Steel conduits through the concrete wall toward the EV charger. 4. Provide labor and equipment to demo the existing concrete sidewalk. 5. Provide labor and equipment to dig, trench, and backfill area to install 2 x 2" PVC-coated Rigid Steel stub ups at the location of the proposed EV charger. 6. Provide class II base with compaction. 7. Provide haul away of concrete and loose dirt. 8. Provide and install a new concrete pad and two 8" protective bollards per Districts' design. 9. Swab and mandrel the new and existing conduits. 10. Provide and install approximately 700' x 6 x 4/0 AWG copper THHN conductors (2 per phase). Each conduit shall include a #4 AWG copper THHN equipment grounding conductor (suitable for a 300A breaker) from existing distribution SWBD 9B to the new EV charger. Note: The vault underneath Switchboard 9B is a Hazard Classified space. Necessary safety protocols must be observed. The work of swabbing, mandrel, and pulling in conductors through the final segment of the conduit run shall be done during one scheduled outage. The outage must be scheduled at least five days in advance. 11. Provide hardware, labor, and equipment to unload and set the EV charger with stainless steel anchors per manufacturer's specifications and Districts' design. The Districts' design specifications often conform to more conservative estimates for seismic and other safety considerations as compared with a manufacturer's specifications. If any manufacturer's specifications appear to conflict with the Districts' design, consultation with the Districts' project manager is required. In general, the Districts' design shall be followed. 12. Provide complete termination and testing of the EV charger.

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Water / Sewer


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24501 S Figueroa St, Carson, CA

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