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Published February 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Lansing, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Work shall include all material, services, labor and supervisory personnel required to construct and deliver a complete package as indicated on the drawings and described below. There may be other contractors or BWL staff in and near the work area. Contractor shall work cooperatively with others to execute the work and not hinder BWL operations. The project site is 148 S. Cedar Street, Lansing, Michigan 48912. A Confidentiality Agreement and Scope of Work is attached for the RFP - Truck Bay Drain Troughs Repair and Construction. A separate posting has been created for the RFP. You must sign and return the Confidentiality Agreement attached to this posting to be invited to the RFP. Please sign and return the Confidentiality Agreement to Tad Miller via email at Tad.Miller@lbwl.com. The BWL was founded in 1885 and is the largest municipally owned electric utility in Michigan and among the 30 largest in the United States. An eight-member Board of Commissioners appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the Lansing City Council governs the BWL. The BWL employs a total of approximately 725 bargaining and non-bargaining employees. The bargaining unit employees are represented by the International Brotherhood of Electrical workers (IBEW) local 352. The BWL owns and operates: (a) an electric system, which generates, purchases and distributes electric power and energy, and provides electric service to over 99,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the greater Lansing, Michigan area, and wholesale customers through participation in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc. (MISO), which is BWL's regional electric grid.; (b) water wells, a raw water transmission system, water conditioning facilities, and an extensive water distribution system serving potable water to over 57,000 residential, commercial, and industrial customers in the greater Lansing area; (c) steam generation boilers, a steam transmission and distribution system serving approximately 151 customers, and a chilled water facility and distribution piping system serving 19 customers in the city of Lansing. The BWL's total operating revenue for fiscal year 2022 was $397,149,164.00. The Work must adhere to the following Scope of Work. 1. Work By Contractor The Work shall include all material, services, labor, and supervisory personnel required to complete the Work as indicated on the Drawings and as described below. The Work includes but is not limited to the following items: a. Prepare project submittals and mobilize to site b. Comply with BWL's contractor safety policies including attending site orientation(s) c. Coordinate work and cooperate with others d. Maintain one open bay at all times. Coordinate bay closures with area supervisor minimum 72 hours prior to shutting down the area. e. Clean out the existing trench drain and work area before beginning of the construction.f. Due to operational needs, the access to the project site is not available between 5 am to 10 am. All work needs to start after 10 am in the morning. g. Install protective fencing, barricades, lanterns, etc. as necessary to demark the construction area h. Replace existing trench frame and grate covers for areas shown on the drawing with East Jordan (EJ)- Heavy Duty (H2O rated) Bolted, Type A trench grate and angle-style frame series. i. Fabricate and install trench-crossing grating support section as detailed in drawings j. Perform concrete restoration in the vicinity of the grating replacement and form the trench where needed to match the existing. Provide square, saw-cut edges as described in drawings along perimeter of concrete demolition area. k. Salvage intact grating sections for reuse by Owner at other parts of the facility l. Maintain a clean and safe work environment. Routinely remove debris and organize equipment so as to maintain a work area in a clean and tidy condition m. Remove construction debris, broken angle grating and broken grate covers, load, haul and dispose offsite in accordance with applicable regulations n. Remove all tools, equipment, barricades, signs, etc. and demobilize after final walkthrough and cleanup o. Miscellaneous items not specifically indicated but required for completion of the work.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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January 26, 2023

February 27, 2023


148 S Cedar St, Lansing, MI

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