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Published January 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
The City of Virginia Beach is soliciting statements of interest and qualifications from consulting firms to provide professional Engineering services to assist with the management of the City's Management, Operations and Maintenance (MOM) Program to comply with requirements set forth in the Regional Order by Consent (Consent Order). The work may include the following: 1. Performance Monitoring 2. SSES Planning for the MOM Program 3. MOM Program Enhancements 4. Consent Order Negotiations and Compliance Reporting 5. Rehabilitation Plan Implementation and Support 6. Hydrologic Modeling and Support 7. Regional Wet Weather Management Plan Implementation and Support 8. Asset Management; and 9. Virginia Stormwater Management Program Support, and other work as required. The term of the contract will be for one year with the possibility of three one-year renewals as determined by the City. The contract may require the consulting firm to perform Engineering and analysis; report preparation; and related tasks; etc. for various City of Virginia Beach projects. A Scope of Services will be prepared, fees negotiated, and an individual work order will be issued for each separate project or task. Demonstrated experience in assisting municipalities with consent orders and/or administrative orders; studying/analyzing sanitary sewer systems including pumping stations; sanitary sewer rehabilitation and maintenance; stormwater BMP design, inspection and maintenance; design and preparation of construction contract documents; hydraulics; Engineering economics; hydrologic modeling; CMMS work order and information management systems; ESRI geographical information systems; and must possess NASSCO PACP certification and familiarity with current and pending state and federal regulatory issues. SELECTION CRITERIA: (1) Professional qualifications of the staff or design team to be assigned to the project (20 points); (2) The extent of specialized experience of the firm in the type of work required (20 points); (3) The degree of familiarity of the firm with the particular project's requirements, and the conceptual approach proposed by the firm to address these requirements (15 points); (4) The quality of the past performance of the firm on similar projects in general and City projects in particular (15 points); (5) Experience and qualifications of any sub consultants to be used by the Architect and/or Engineer (10 points); (6) Evidence of cost control effectiveness (2 points); (7) Current work volume of the firm that could affect the ability of the firm to complete the work in the required time frame (5 points); (8) Accessibility of the project team to the project site (10 points); (9) The capability of the firm to provide aesthetic design features in keeping with City and community goals for a quality outcome (1 point); (10) Demonstrated ability to establish a process for a high degree of public participation and related coordination for input and resolution of project issues (2 points). PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: Offerors are advised that Section 2.2-4342 of the Code of Virginia, i.e., the Virginia Public Procurement Act, shall govern public inspection of all records submitted by the Offeror. Specifically, if Offeror seeks to protect any proprietary data or materials, pursuant to Section 2.2-4342, Offeror shall (i) invoke the protections of this section prior to or upon submission of the data or other materials, (ii) identify the data or other materials to be protected, and (iii) state the reasons why protection is needed. Furthermore, the Offeror shall submit proprietary information under separate cover, and the City reserves the right to submit such information to the City attorney for concurrence of the Offeror's claim that it is in fact proprietary. References may be made within the body of the proposal to proprietary information; however, all information contained within the body of the proposal not labeled proprietary or otherwise not meeting all three of the requirements of Section 2.2-4342 shall be public information in accordance with State statutes. The Small Business Subcontracting Participation Plan ("The Plan") is located on the SWaM Business Office webpage, Business Development Initiatives, Small Business Subcontracting Participation Plan (Form CVABE2). The offeror may be required to have on file with the Purchasing Division the composition of the offeror's workforce, which may be updated annually, using the Prime Contractor Workforce Composition Form. Offeror shall also provide monthly updates as to payments made to sub-consultants/contractors listed on "The Plan" via the Monthly Subcontracting Payment Data Sheet (CVAB-E). Prior to final payment, the offeror may be required to submit a report documenting, using the Monthly Subcontracting Payment Data Sheet (CVAB-E), its efforts undertaken in compliance with "The Plan". "The Plan" shall become a part of the contract with the City of Virginia Beach. Responses received after the specified date and time shall not be considered and shall be returned unopened to the Offeror. Notice of Intent to Award any contract resulting from this RFP will be publicly posted electronically The city of virginia beach does not discriminate against faith-based organizations The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
Water / Sewer
Public - City
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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