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Published March 30, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Wheeling, West Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

**As of March 30, 2023, project was awarded, start date is September 2023r** Director of Information Technology, Michael A. Lloyd, mlloyd@wheelingwv.gov, 304-234-3719 The City of Wheeling, green marker below, West Virginia is building a new facility for the City Fire Department headquarters ("WFD"), red marker, at Wood and 17th St aka 167 17 th St, Wheeling, WV 26003. The City also has six fire stations to serve the citizens of Wheeling. All fire department locations require security systems for access control and video surveillance to protect the facilities from unauthorized access, vandalism, and other physical threats. The WFD is a campus-style building. The fire stations are two-story or three-story structures. The WFD headquarters (HQ) construction is due for completion in December 2023. The other stations are existing structures. The WFD HQ location will have dedicated internet access of 100 Mbps with the ability to increase, if necessary. The stations' internet access varies. It is expected to have all stations connected prior to project completion. The solution must be designed to be easy to use and operate, meet current and future needs, and be highly reliable. The addresses of the new HQ and six fire stations are: NEW FIRE HQ, 167 17th St, Wheeling, WV (est. 2023) STATION 2, 801 Main St, Wheeling, WV (est. 1974) STATION 4, 3618 Jacob St, Wheeling, WV (est. 1954) STATION 5, 11 N Wabash St, Wheeling, WV (est. 2007) STATION 9, 1301 Richland Ave, Wheeling, WV (est. 1974) STATION 10, 298 Poplar Ave, Wheeling, WV (est. 1931) STATION 11, 139 E Bethlehem Blvd, Wheeling, WV (est. 1969


Fire / Police


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167 17th St, Wheeling, WV

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