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Renovation of a library in Haddam, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a library.

For Proposal (RFP)Architectural Contract Documents 1. Introduction Brainerd Memorial Library (BML), located at 920 Say brook Road in Haddam CT, dedicates itself to providing resources and services necessary to satisfy the lifelong learning, reading, recreational, and cultural needs of Haddam residents. The library has started an interior renovation project and has completed the Design Development stage of the project with an Architect who is now retiring from business. The library is seeking a qualified professional team to take the project through Contract Documents, Public Bid and Contract Administration.2. Schedule o RFP for Architect January 2023. o Sign with architect, February 2023 o each bidder is responsible for checking the website to determine if any addenda have been issued. In accordance with Connecticut General Statute Sections 4a-100 and 4b-91, a responsible bid must contain two (2) documents: The Contractor Prequalification Certificate and the Update (Bid) Statement. The classification GENERAL TRADES is required as a minimum. This contract is subject to state set-aside and contract compliance requirements. Brainerd Memorial Library reserves the right to reject any and all bids or any part thereof, or to waive defects in same, or to accept any proposal, or part thereof, deemed to be in Brainerd Memorial Library's best interest. This project is being paid for, in part, with Six Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand Dollars ($675,000) of state funds provided by the Connecticut State Library. Brainerd Memorial Library is an Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Employer. 4. Project Description: The project funded in part by a CT State Library Grant is described as occurring in five phases to be constructed while the library is occupied. The phases are as follows: Phase One: Community Room and Teen Lounge - located on the lower-level of the 1908 building. Phase Two: Children's Library and Staff Area - located on the lower-level of the 1996 annex. Phase Three: Adult Area - located on the upper-level of the 1996 annex. Phase Four: Circulation Desk - located on the upper-level connector. Phase Five: History Room and Reading Room - located on the upper-level of the 1908 building.5. Scope of ServicesThe contract for the effort will be based on the AIA B101-2017 contract. The scope of services will include 3.4 Construction Documents Phase Services, 3.5 Procurement Phase Services, and 3.6 Construction Phase Services. Services are as described within the AIA document; any modifications are to be mutually agreed upon by both parties.6. Qualifications: Proposals shall include a statement of qualifications that identifies: o Qualifications of all personnel who will be assigned to the project (Resumes) o Firm Experience with similar projects for public librarie so Contact information for references for similar projects successfully conducted o Location of the firm o Name and title of the individual authorized to make representations for the bidder7. Presumption of applicant being fully informed. At the time of the quote deadline, it is presumed that each applicant will have read and be thoroughly familiar with all quoting and contract documents for this project having performed an on-site inspection of the work location. Failure or omission of the applicant to receive or examine any information shall in no way relieve any applicant from obligations with respect to their quote.9. Interpretation of acceptable work The specifications, quotes and contract documents are to be interpreted as meaning those acceptable to the Brainerd Memorial Library. Any substantive changes or interpretations will be issued by the library in writing as an addendum.10. Insurance: The applicant awarded this consultant position must provide a current Certificate of Insurance to the Director of Buildings and Grounds prior to commencement of work with the following requirements: a. Liability limits for bodily injury and personal injury, $100,000 per occurrence b. Liability limits for property damage including that caused by motor vehicles, $100,000 per occurrencec. Owners' protective liability and property damage, $100,000 per occurrence. Workers Compensation, as required by Connecticut State Statutes. e. The Brainerd Memorial Library is to appear as an additional insured on all Certificates of Insurance. f. All Insurance is to be provided by a company authorized to issue such insurance in the State of Connecticut g. All insurance may not be canceled or modified without sixty (60) days written notice by registered U.S. Mail to Director of Brainerd Memorial Library.11. Fair Employment Practice The Applicant agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in the performance of this bid's work with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment due to race, sex, age, religion, national origin, or other condition prescribed by State or Federal law. The Library is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.12. Awarding of contract: BML reserves the right to accept or reject any, all, or any part of the quotes, to waive formalities or informalities, and to award the quote deemed to be in the best interest of the Library. The Project is paid for in part by State funds provided by the Connecticut State Library. The proposed contract date above is an anticipated award date and is not a certain date. The Library Interiors committee may choose to interview a finalist or several finalists prior to deciding on a selection. Selection Interview Rating Criteria Categories include: o Proposed Teams Experience with projects of a similar size & scope as this project o Proposed Teams Approach to the work required for this project o Proposed Teams Organizational Structure and availability for this projecy\t to Teams Geographic Proximity to & familiarity with the town of Haddam o Proposed Teams Relevant Knowledge of Connecticut Building & Fire Codes o Proposed Teams ability to provide permit documents and meet all legal responsibilities The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.




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920 Saybrook Rd, Haddam, CT

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