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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fresno, California. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Fresno (CITY) Public Works Department is requesting Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified Civil Engineering firms to provide On-Call Engineering Services for the City of Fresno Public Works Department Capital Program (BID FILE NO.12301678). Services will be on an on-call basis and will include but are not limited to miscellaneous engineering services such as feasibility studies, cost estimates, preparation of exhibits, grant writing, benefit-cost analysis, data collection, on-going engineering support, and administration of materials in accordance with grant requirements for current and future Capital Projects. Capital projects may include multipurpose trails, street widenings, grade separations, intersection modifications, and neighborhood improvements. No consideration will be given to any proposals received after the above time and date. The anticipated Contract duration for this contract is March, 2023 through March, 2026. Services will be on an on-call basis and will include but are not limited to miscellaneous engineering services such as feasibility studies, cost estimates, preparation of exhibits, grant writing, benefit-cost analysis, data collection, on-going engineering support, and administration of materials in accordance with grant requirements for current and future Capital Projects. Capital projects may include multipurpose trails, street widenings, grade separations, intersection modifications, and neighborhood improvements. In general: Familiarity with various funding applications and grants to include, but not limited to federal, state, and local funding programs and applications. Preparation of funding abstracts, production, and submittal of applications to funding sources. A copy of each grant application submitted is to be provided to the City. Ensure all required components of each application are included and adhere to grant evaluation criteria. Creating funding plans providing a cohesive layout of funding strategies to demonstrate how projects will be funded. Providing dates, timelines, strategies, engineering or informative exhibits for project funding completion as needed. Prepare engineering concepts, informative exhibits, executive summaries, and other documents using Citys templates. Engineering studies: Traffic; Railroad; Pedestrian; safety; feasibility; etc. Engineering Estimates. Community outreach. Alternative and Constructability Analysis. Solicitation and preparation of Letters of Support as needed. Monthly reporting to the City summarizing the amount of time expended and describing activities undertaken during the previous month. Post construction performance measure reporting. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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March 27, 2023


Multiple Locations, Fresno, CA

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