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Published January 11, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tallulah, Louisiana. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Vicksburg Tallulah District Airport Board is requesting Statements of Qualifications from firms interested in providing administration, engineering, design, planning, environmental, construction services including full time construction observation, and other related aspects of service involved in the evaluation, development, design, construction management and grant administration services for projects for at the Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport for a five (5) year period beginning from the Notice to Proceed date of the first project as defined in the Master Services Agreement Contract. The Vicksburg Tallulah District Airport Board will follow the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development Division of Aviation's Consultant Selection Manual and FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14E in the evaluation and selection of consultants. The projects identified by the Airport Board for implementation or development are presented herein. The projects are subject to the availability of funding from the FAA, State of Louisiana and the Airport Board. The projects identified herein are not necessarily listed by priority. Fee(s) will be negotiated. PROJECT LIST 1. Apron Road Construction and Rehabilitation consisting of: a) Access Road Improvements (North T-Hangar) b) Hangar Access Road & Terminal Parking Lot Rehabilitation c) Airport Entrance Road Rehabilitation Firms with demonstrated experience, competence, and qualifications pertinent to these types of services and having sufficient technical, supervisory, and administrative personnel to ensure completion of the work and interested in performing these services are desired for consideration. In responding to the items listed below, it is important to be specific and concise in your written statement and in so responding, represent those projects which have been accomplished by your firm.Questions regarding this process and any of the projects shall be submitted in writing and directed to: Randy Woods Airport Manager 175 Airport Road Tallulah, LA 71282 (318) 574-5841 Six (6) copies of the proposals must be furnished. Proposals shall be in accordance with standard form SF-330 and shall contain the following information, presented in a clear, comprehensive and concise manner. The selected consultant must possess the ability, experience and reputation for optimum quality service necessary to produce quality and functional projects. To ensure the consultant is capable of providing an acceptable level of service to the Airport, the following minimum qualifications must be met: Consultant must have the ability to direct, coordinate and prepare projects for the Vicksburg Tallulah Regional Airport. Consultant must have knowledge of requirements concerning the FAA and State grant process and must be familiar with all Federal and State Airport design requirements. Consultant must be properly licensed to perform professional services in the State of Louisiana in the appropriate and applicable professional disciplines. It is the intent of the Airport Board to execute a contract with one Consultant firm which will be solely responsible to the Airport Board for the implementation of the projects. It is recognized and expected that the Consultant may desire or need the services of subconsultants to undertake various elements and items of the projects. In the event that such subconsultants are anticipated, the SF-330 form shall identify the proposed subconsultants and the specific elements and items for which each will be responsible. The use of any subconsultant shall not relieve the primary Consultant of any responsibilities for execution of the projects. A single Point-ofContact shall be identified by the primary Consultant for the projects. Only timely received submittals meeting the requirements of this Request for Qualifications will be considered. Submittals shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Consultant. Proposals will be reviewed by a Selection Committee consisting of at least three (3) designated members. Negotiations will be undertaken with the best qualified licensed consultant in order of the total points received from the evaluation criteria which consists of the following: 1. Resumes of Key Personnel with a value of 5. 2. Example Projects Which Best Illustrate Proposed Teams Qualifications with a value of 5. 3. Key Personnel Participation in Example Projects with a value of 5. 4. Firm Size as Related to Project Magnitude with a value of 3. 5. Proximity of Firm to the Project with a value of 2. The Vicksburg Tallulah District Airport Board reserves the right to reject all applicants and re-advertise for the contract.


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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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August 10, 2023


175 VTR Airport Road Tallulah, LA 71282., Tallulah, LA

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