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Site work for a communication facility in Austin, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a communication facility.

Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 2165.001, Custodianship of State Property, and Section 2156.121, Use of Competitive Sealed Proposals, the Texas Facilities Commission is requesting responses to this Request for Proposal for the provision of providing and installing a commercial distributed antenna system to provide enhanced cellular coverage in the Barbara Jordan Building (1601 Congress Ave.), George H.W. Bush Building (1801 Congress Ave.) and the connecting Parking Garage T which are managed by the Texas Facilities Commission in Austin, Texas. The Project # is 17-018-8031. The Texas Facilities Commission is looking to install a commercial cellular enhancement system including a commercial distributed antenna system in the newly constructed buildings and underground parking garages located at 1801 Congress Ave, 1601 Congress Ave, and the Texas Capitol Mall. The new system should support the three major wireless carriers and provide coverage throughout the buildings and garages. Installation to include equipment necessary for proper operation of the system. It should also include installation and routing of cables, conduit, installation, programming, and commissioning and testing of complete system to ensure coverage in all areas. System should support speeds and coverage bands identified in specifications. After installation, testing and acceptance, services will include monitoring, maintaining, and may include replacement for emerging technologies. This service shall commence on the date the contract, as defined below, is executed by both parties, and shall be completed no later than 10/31/2023. For the pre-proposal conferences, there is metered parking on the street or free parking on the top level of State Parking Garage B, 1511 San Jacinto Blvd., Austin, TX 78701. Print out the Parking Permit for State Parking Garage B attached to this RFQ as Attachment J - Parking Permit and place on your dashboard. Deadline for Submission of Questions January 17, 2023, 12:00 Noon Notification for Interview January 31, 2023 Interview Date (if required) February 8, 2023 Award by Commission April 20, 2023, 9:00 AM Expected Contract Start Date May 15, 2023




Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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