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Site work for a water / sewer project in Arlington, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.
**As of March 30,2023, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established.** The Contractor shall replace the existing 12" water main along N Glebe Road between N Randolph Street and N Pershing Street with a new 12" water main. The main scope of work includes the installation of approximately 2041 linear feet of 12" water main, approximately 87 linear feet of 8" water main and 90 linear feet of 6" watermain with various appurtenances. The work also includes several water main connections to existing services or existing fire hydrants, 26 each of water service re-taps, restoration of disturbed or damaged surfaces during construction and full depth pavement restoration of the excavated areas. Bid Surety in the amount of not less than 5% of the bid must be submitted with the bid. Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the award will be required of the successful bidder Arlington County reserves the right to reject any and all bids, cancel this solicitation, and to waive any informalities or irregularities in procedure. A bidder's submission of a bid indicates acceptance of these terms. Project no - LDA 20163, SWM# 20-0176. All communications relating to this solicitation must be submitted online using Vendor Registry. For a question to be considered, the question must be entered in the Question Section of the ITB No. 23-DESITBPW-474. Prior to the award of a contract resulting from this solicitation, bidders are prohibited from contacting any County staff other than those assigned to the Office of the Purchasing Agent. QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ORIGINAL SOLICITATION MUST BE SUBMITTED BY JANUARY 23, 2023 AT 5:00 PM EASTERN TIME TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AN ADDENDUM. ALL QUESTIONS RECEIVED BY THE QUESTION DEADLINE WILL BE RESPONDED TO WITHIN VENDOR REGISTRY AND POSTED FOR ALL BIDDERS. THE SYSTEM WILL NOT ACCEPT ANY QUESTIONS AFTER THIS DATE AND TIME. If any questions or responses require revisions to this solicitation, such revisions will be by formal Addendum only. Bidders are cautioned notto rely on any written, electronic, or oral representations made by any County representative or other person, including the County's technical contact, that appear to change any portion of the solicitation unless the change is ratified by a written Addendum to this solicitation issued by the Office of the Purchasing Agent. TIME FOR COMPLETION Work under this Agreement shall achieve Substantial Completion no later than five hundred forty (540) consecutive calendar days after the commencement date given in a Notice to Proceed provided by the County to the Contractor, subject to any modifications made as provided for in the Contract Documents. This five hundred forty (540) day period shall be the Period of Performance for Substantial Completion. No Work shall be deemed Substantially Complete until it meets the requirements of Substantial Completion set forth in the General Conditions. Final Completion of the Work shall be completed no later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of acceptance of Substantial Completion by the County Project Officer. Work will not reach Final Completion until it meets the requirements set forth in the General Conditions. SCOPE OF WORK The Contractor will furnish all labor, materials, and equipment for the construction of the N Glebe Road watermain replacement (the "Project") and all other work shown, described, and required by the Contract Documents (hereinafter "the Work"). The Work shall be performed according to the standards established by the Contract Documents read together as a single specification. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility, atsolely the Contractor's cost, to provide sufficient services to fulfill the purposes of the Work. Nothing in the Contract Documents shall be construed to limit the Contractor's responsibility to manage the details and execution of its Work.
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Water / Sewer
Public - County
Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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February 9, 2023
March 13, 2023
N Glebe Rd, Arlington, VA
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