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Published February 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Danville, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Scope 2.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: This contract is for sunshade sail installation at SVMHI as indicated herein, to include all necessary labor and materials. Award of this contract shall be made to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder based upon the TOTAL BASE BID indicated on Page 5 (Reference Section 5, page 5). 2.2 SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS: Material Specifications: Sunshade sail shall adhere to the following specifications: 3-point shade. Pole distance between the 3 poles must be 28 feet in length. Pole height must meet the necessary length to allow for the sunshade sail to be at a height of 12 feet. Sunshade sail must have a quick release option to quickly remove and reattach fabric for winter storage or extreme weather conditions. Poles must have a powder coating and be blue in color. Fabric of sail must be yellow in color and block at least 75% of UVB sunlight rays. The sunshade sail should generally resemble the material depicted on Attachment #5 entitled Sunshade Type Depiction. Specification/Cut Sheets of proposed material to be utilized by bidders shall be included with the submitted bid package. Sunshade Sail All inquiries should be directed to Amanda Howell, Purchasing Director, at amanda.howell@dbhds.virginia.gov.




Public - State/Provincial


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382 Taylor Dr, Danville, VA

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