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Site work and renovation of a civil project in Salisbury, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Salisbury-Rowan Utilities (SRU) provides water and wastewater services to residential and business customers in the municipalities of Salisbury, Granite Quarry, Spencer, East Spencer, China Grove, Rockwell, and some unincorporated areas within Rowan County in North Carolina. SRU has two (2) raw water intakes and one (1) pump station that is located on Hannah Ferry Road at the confluence of the Yadkin River and South Yadkin River. The pump station has been subject to flooding in the past, and flooding has occurred more frequently in the last several years. In 2020, the SRU Pump Station was shut down twice due to flood events, for five days in February, and then for four days in November. The February event had a reported peak flow of 56,300 cfs at the Yadkin College stream gauge upstream of the pump station and the river level at the pump station reached 640.7 feet (1929 NGVD), while the November event had a reported peak flow of 63,000 cfs and the river level at the pump station reached 643.2 feet (NGVD 29). Water enters the pump station rooms at river level elevation 643 feet (NGVD 29). The peak flows for these two storm events represent approximately a 0.1 annual exceedance probability. FEMA lists the 0.01rfq annual exceedance probability river level elevation at 648.69 feet (NGVD 29). Flooding can be expected to worsen with the sedimentation impacts from the Yadkin Hydroelectric Project No. 2197 and anticipated impacts of climate change. In order to provide a reliable source of water supply during storm events, the pump station needs to be relocated to where it can be accessed during storm events and the operating floor can be above the 0.1 annual exceedance probability flood elevation. The City submitted an application for a 2021BRIC grant in January 2022 and the project was designated as "selected for further review" after Round 1 of the FEMA review on August 1, 2022. The City anticipates final award between October 2023 and January 2024. The City of Salisbury/Salisbury-Rowan Utilities hereby requests qualified firms to submit Statements of Qualifications for engineering services related to the Water Supply Resiliency Project for Salisbury-Rowan Utilities Raw Water Pump Station Along the Yadkin River. Any additional inquiries regarding this RFQ should be directed to: Jason H. Wilson, P.E. Assistant Utilities Director Salisbury-Rowan Utilities 1 Water Street Salisbury, NC 28144 Written questions will be accepted via e-mail until 5:00 PM, Thursday, January 19, 2023


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Salisbury, NC

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