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Published April 13, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in McDonough, Georgia. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Purchasing Department Invitation to Bid RFP# 23-33 Design/Build Services for Stream Restoration at Butler's Bridge Park The intent of this invitation is to obtain competitive sealed bids from qualified design/build teams for the services to design and construct 600 linear feet of stream restoration within Butler's Bridge Park. The Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and services required to fulfill the terms and conditions of this bid. Bids may not be withdrawn for sixty (60) days after the time and date set for closing, except as allowed by OCGA. Henry County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any technicalities. Question Deadline: 1/24/23 at 3:00 PM - These requests will be answered in an addendum and must be emailed to: purchasing@co.henry.ga.us The contractor will conduct a Priority 1 stream restoration along 600 linear feet of the tributary stream to re-establish a more natural sinuosity and elevation and restore the stream's connection to the floodplain. Invasive plant species will be removed from steam buffers as part of the stream restoration, and they will be re-planted with native vegetation to return the site to a more natural stream complex and increase the biodiversity and wildlife utilization of the site. The proposed stream restoration is set to be constructed on a portion of a the 43-acre tract of County owned property located immediately south of the South River and west of Butler Bridge Road in McDonough, Henry County, Georgia (See Figure 1 - Site Boundary). Henry County proposes to use GOSP grant funds to construct the first phase of the project that includes Design and restoration of aPriority 1 stream restoration along 600 linear feet of the tributary stream to re-establish a more natural sinuosity and elevation and restore the stream's connection to the floodplain. Invasive plant species will be removed from steam buffers as part of the stream restoration, and they will be re-planted with native vegetation to return the site to a more natural stream complex and increase the biodiversity and wildlife utilization of the site. Some conceptual work has already been completed for the GOSP application but is expected to change depending on the survey needed for the area. Educational signage and programming are also planned to highlight the environmental and recreational resources of the site but will provided by the owner and it's grant partners. All preliminary work that has been completed in grant application will be provided to the selected consultant team. Completion- 300calendar days Confirmed shortlist.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

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February 14, 2023

October 16, 2023


Butler Bridge Dr, McDonough, GA

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