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Published January 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Wailuku, Hawaii. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Direct questions for clarification of this request to: Dr. Janet Six, Principal Archaeologist Department of Management, County of Maui 200.5. High Street, Wailuku HI 96793 Wailuku, HI 96793 Phone: (808) 344-0566 Email: jaiet.six@co.maui.hi,us The Director of Finance reserves the right to cancel this solicitation, to reject any or all submittals in whole or part, and to waive any defects in said submittal in the best interest of the County. The County of Maui owns a property located at 8303 Kamehameha V Highway. During discussion at the Molokai Island Burial Council meeting in December of 2021, requests were made to proactively care for the 'aina and iwi kupuna of that place. The Office of the Mayor in collaboration with the Department of Management submitted a budget amendment request to, as stated by the Molokai Island Burial Council (MIBC) Chair, assist with the effort "For our kupuna to rest and their descendants to heal and our island to kokua in caring for this very sacred Burial ground in Mapulehu". The Council approved the budget request in February of 2022 and staff has since been working to define an approach that will follow the requirements of HAR 13-300, adequately engage the community and make positive forward progress to achieve the goal as stated by the MIBC Chair. Over the course of the last few months, the County of Maui Principal Archaeologist Dr. Janet Six researched all documents and correspondence on file with the State Historic Preservation Division. Dr. Six called the archaeologists and cultural preservation professionals who have been involved with the property for additional clarifications and background. Her research has resulted in a compilation of a timeline of events related to the property can be found in the memo provided to the Molokai Island Burial Council, attached at the end of this RFP. The County of Maui expectations of the selected consultant include but are not limited to: A. Key Tasks a. Overall Project Management i. Project control ii. Critical path scheduling iii. Identification of potential additional consultants needed and budget development iv. Assisting with scope development for additional consultants as needed v. Coordination of consultant access to the site including necessary protocols and communication with key stakeholders b. Community consultations i. Coordinate and execute the consultation process as required by HAR 13-300 ii. Seek out input regarding the existing conditions, suggestions for site treatment if any and recommendations for site access c. Additional research i. Verify research already completed by Dr. Six and confirm the documentation is comprehensive ii. Provide additional research and analysis of documents in 'Olelo Hawai'i iii. Review of existing drainage studies or surveys that may assist in determining long term solutions for the property d. Field Work i. Field inspection(s) of the burial area and overall parcel as needed ii. Monitoring during any stabilization or other contractor work e. Archaeological Services i. Develop a Burial Sites Component of a Preservation Plan for the property and a Data Recovery Plan if warranted ii. Work with the Maui County Principal Archeologist and the State Historic Preservation Division on review and acceptance of the document iii. Present to and work with the Molokai Island Burial Council as needed and required by State law f. Planning i. Create an Access, Management and Maintenance Plan for the project site ii. Provide recommendation to the County of Maui for any additional investment or services that would benefit the long term preservation of the burial site a. The proposal shall identify the Project Manager and other key team members and/or sub-consultants who will be assigned to the project. Resumes of key project team members' qualifications and experience shall be included, limited to one page per individual. Resumes are to be provided in the Appendix. As stated above in the project scope, at least one member of the project team must be fluent and able to read and write in Olelo Hawaii and have the background to understand the kaona that may need to be interepretted as a result of research. Given that there are both human and animal skeletal remains present, an osteologist must be included in the project team. b. Substitutions of identified key personnel subsequent to the submission of the proposal are subject to the COM approval. c. Roles and responsibilities of each team member The proposal shall include information on projects and work performed and completed by the project consultant team, similar or relevant to the scope of work identified for Mapulehu. This should include any work or connection to Molokai. It should be understood that in addition to contacting references provided by the bidder, the selection committee for this project may contact the State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Historic Preservation Division to understand the firm(s) experience in working through the Archaeology and History & Culture branch requirements and processes. The proposal shall provide an approach that demonstrates understanding of the project scope and ability to complete the project. This section shall outline each major task/milestone and a methodology that provides a comprehensive understanding of the issues based on experience and this projects background, purpose, and scope. The project approach shall be described in sufficient detail to permit objective evaluation of the proposal. The purpose of these guidelines is to standardize the format and content of consultant proposals to help assure fair and property evaluation of each firm. The standardized format should also reduce the proposal preparation time, and simplify the review process by the County of Maui (COM). The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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