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Published March 15, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Rogers, Arkansas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The project consists of installation of approximately 1150 linear feet of 30" sewer main, 920 linear feet of 24" sewer main, and a point repair on 21" sewer main. All necessary work, materials and every item of construction shall be in accordance with the plans and contract documents developed by Rogers Water Utilities. Contact the Utility office at (479) 936-5426 or email aaronshort@rwu.org with any questions. The contractors shall make such inspection and studies of the work site necessary to familiarize themselves with all conditions to be encountered. Bidding security in the form of a bid bond, cash, a cashier's check, or certified check payable to the Rogers Water Utilities, in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the total bid shall be furnished by each bidder. The amount of such deposit will be forfeited immediately to the Owner as an agreed amount of liquidated damages if the bidder to whom the contract is awarded fails to enter into contract and to furnish a performance and a payment bond within ten (10) days from and after the date the award is made. Prospective bidders must download the bid package online. Bids must be made upon the official bid forms contained in the bidder's package. Bids shall be sealed and the envelopes addressed to the attention of: Engineering Department, Rogers Water Utilities, 601 S. 2nd St., Rogers, AR 72756. All bids shall be plainly marked on the outside of the envelope specifying that it is a Bid for the 2023 Large Diameter Sewer Rehab, the date for opening of bids, and the name and address of the bidder, and the contractor's license number. Alternatively, bids may be submitted online. All bidders must have a municipal and utility construction license in the State of Arkansas at the time of bid. The attention of all bidders is called to the fact that they must be licensed under the terms of Act 150 of the 1965 Acts of the Arkansas Legislature, subject to any subsequent amendments. Pursuant to Arkansas Code Annotated Sec. 22-9-203, the State encourages all small, minority and women business enterprises to submit bids for capital improvements. Encouragement is also made to all general contractors that in the event they subcontract portions of their work, consideration be given to identified groups. Rogers Water Utilities reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any informalities in the proposal deemed to be in the best interests of the Utility. The Utility further reserves the right to withhold the awarding of the contracts for a period not to exceed 60 days after the receipt of bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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February 14, 2023

April 17, 2023


Multiple Locations, Rogers, AR

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