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Published March 16, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Keosauqua, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 25,900-square-foot medical facility.

Emergency Department Renovation Demolition and finishes upgrade for approximately 4,100 SF of occupied space. Demolition includes walls and doors, flooring, and ceilings. Contractor must take steps to control dust and fumes. New interior metal stud wall layout with new flooring, new acoustical ceiling tile, paint, doors and hardware, corner guards, wall protection sheets, chair rail, casework, counters. New layout for HVAC supply and return ducts. New plumbing and medical gas layout. New power, lighting, technology, security, and fire alarm. New fire sprinkler. This work also includes new construction for a vestibule entry, site work improvements and new canopy at the entry of the Emergency Department. This work is to be completed in three phases. The Hospital will occupy and provide services while construction is ongoing. Work can be completed during normal working hours. Dietary Renovation Demolition and finishes upgrade for approximately 3,300 SF of space. Demolition includes floor slabs, walls and doors, flooring, and ceilings. Contractor must take steps to control dust and fumes. New interior wall layout with new flooring, new acoustical ceiling tile, paint, doors and hardware, new layout for HVAC supply and return ducts. New plumbing layout. New power, lighting, technology, security, and fire alarm. New fire sprinkler. The Hospital will suspend dietary services being provided from this area while construction is ongoing. Work can be completed during normal working hours. 100 Wing Mechanical Improvements The mechanical upgrades include the demolition of the existing boiler and chiller equipment including hydronic piping. The installation of a new VRVF system to serve approximately 11,000 sf. of occupied space split between two levels. The new system includes a new roof mounted DOAS unit to supply fresh air to the ground level portion of the space and a new ERV to supply fresh air to the basement level portion of the space. New fire sprinkler. Selective demotion at the floors, walls, and ceilings. Construction of soffit to conceal duct work. Select finish carpentry work to repair floors, walls, and ceiling. Work can be completed during normal working hours. Listing of Bid Packages: Bid Package 1: Site Work & Utilities Bid Package 2: Concrete Paving Bid Package 3: General Construction Bid Package 4: Flooring Bid Package 5: Acoustical Ceilings Bid Package 6: Fire Sprinkler Bid Package 7: Plumbing & HVAC Bid Package 8: Electrical Bid Package 9: Abatement The bids will be presented to and considered by the Board of Trustees of Van Buren County Hospital on February 20, 2023 at the Community Service Center, Board Room, located at 308 Mulberry Street, Keosauqua, Iowa 52565 and such proposals received will be acted upon at such time and place or at such later time and place as may then be fixed.




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March 16, 2023

April 11, 2023


304 Franklin St, Keosauqua, IA

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