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Saving Project...

Published February 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Swisher, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

A Certified check, made payable to the County, or a Cashiers check, made payable to either the County or to the Contractor, drawn upon a solvent bank or a bid bond, shall be filed with each proposal. Cashiers check, made payable to the Contractor, shall contain an unqualified endorsement to the County signed by the Contractor or his/her authorized agent. Failure to execute a contract and file an acceptable bond and certificate of insurance within 30 days of the date of the approval for awarding of the contract, as herein provided, will be just and sufficient cause for the denial of the award and the forfeiture of the proposal guarantee. All proposals must be filed on the forms furnished by the County, sealed and plainly marked. Proposals containing any reservations not provided for in the forms furnished may be rejected, and the County reserves the right to waive technicalities and to reject any or all bids. Attention of bidders is directed to the Specifications covering the qualifications of bidders and subletting or assigning of the contract. As a condition precedent to being furnished proposal forms, a prospective bidder must be on the current Iowa Department of Transportation list of qualified bidders; except that this requirement will not apply when bids are received solely for materials, supplies, or equipment. Grade, macadam base, and granular surface on F20 (Amana Road NW), from Greencastle Avenue to 0.1 miles west of Cou Falls Road in Section 19, 20, and 21, T81N, R7W, of the 5 th P.M., Jefferson Township, Johnson County, Iowa. ITEM CODE BID ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT 2101-0850001 CLEARING AND GRUBBING 14.4 ACRE 2102-2710070 EXCAVATION, CLASS 10, ROADWAY AND BORROW 102648.0 CY 2210-0475105 CHOKE STONE BASE 12366.6 TON 2210-0475290 MACADAM STONE BASE 19822.6 TON 2314-0775010 CALCIUM CHLORIDE APPLIED 37.6 TON 2402-0425030 GRANULAR BACKFILL 1832.8 CY 2402-2723100 EXCAVATION, CLASS 23, FOR ROADWAY PIPE CULVERT 2104.5 CY 2417-1060036 CULVERT, CORRUGATED METAL ROADWAY PIPE, 36 IN. DIA. 494.0 LF 2507-6800061 REVETMENT, CLASS E 669.2 TON 2526-8285000 CONSTRUCTION SURVEY 1 LS 2528-8445110 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LS 2533-4980005 MOBILIZATION 1 LS 2601-2642100 STABILIZING CROP - SEEDING AND FERTILIZING 30.7 ACRE 2602-0000020 SILT FENCE 16350.0 LF


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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February 14, 2023

March 14, 2023


Amana Rd NW, Swisher, IA

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