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Published February 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Lake Forest, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Online Bidding: Available Description: This project consists installation of a retaining wall, drainage features, natural slope repair, and access ramp installation on the Lake Michigan bluff at Forest Park in the City of Lake Forest in Lake County, Illinois. INTRODUCTION This Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is for the proposed bluff stabilization and ramp installation at Forest Park, in Lake Forest, Lake County, Illinois. The Forest Park Bluff Stabilization Construction Drawings were prepared by Hey and Associates, Inc. and are dated June 16, 2022. Erosion and Sediment control plans and details can be found on sheets C1.1, C2.1, C2.6, C7.0, and C8.0. This SWPPP has been developed to satisfy the criteria established by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) for coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Stormwater Permit for construction activities. The proposed improvements will primarily install a retaining wall and access ramp on the bluff face. Improvements also include removal of a section of trail, removal of an abandoned landing, installation of wick drains and BMPs, stabilization of gulleys, and proposed drainage and storm sewer infrastructure, along with the associated Best Management Practices (BMPs). The project is being constructed for the City of Lake Forest. A general contractor has not yet been selected at this time. Any documentation will be revised once a general contractor has been selected. An Application for a General Permit to Discharge Storm Water during Construction Site Activities to the State of Illinois by filing a Notice of Intent (NOI) is required for this project. Submittal of the required NOI was completed on July 27, 2022. Authorization to discharge stormwater under the Illinois Environmental Protection Act and the federal Clean Water Act may be given by the IEPA (permit number ILR10ZC09). Copies of the letter of confirmation of coverage under the general permit from the IEPA (the authorization letter), location of the SWPPP documents, and contact information for each person responsible for ensuring compliance with stormwater requirements will be included in this SWPPP at the end Section A. Site Description and Location The project site is located at 801 N Lake Road in the City of Lake Forest, Lake County, Illinois. The project is centered approximately at Latitude 42.250864 (42 15' 3.1104") and Longitude -87.820101 (-87 49' 12.3636") in Sections 27 and 34, Township 44 North, Range 12 East. The project site is approximately 1.67 acres located within the Lake Forest City limits. The existing project area consists of the bluff face, which is currently eroding and overgrown with vegetation. Portions of the access ramp extend onto the turf grass open space below the buff, that extends into a walking path, playground amenities, and the Lake Michigan beach below. Activities covered by this plan include: installation and maintenance of construction site best management practices (BMPs), observation and reporting, clearing/grubbing, grading/excavation, installation of wall and ramp, temporary stabilization of the site as needed, permanent stabilization of the site, and removal of SESC controls. This plan shall ensure that regulated hazardous or toxic waste must be stored and disposed in accordance with any applicable State and Federal regulations. The sequence of activities will be: 1. Installation and maintenance of SESC controls and construction site BMPs 2. Commencement of observation and reporting 3. Clearing/grubbing 4. Grading/excavation and installation of wall and ramp 5. Permanent stabilization of the site 6. Removal of SESC controls


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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February 23, 2023

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801 Lake Rd, Lake Forest, IL

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Forest Park Bluff Stabilization

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