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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Pawnee City, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Pawnee City Public Schools is requesting bids from qualified individuals or entities to utilize federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds for four separate projects: 1) The demolition of the existing Vocational Agriculture Shop and Classroom Exterior Windows and the installation of a new exterior windows. 2) The demolition of the existing Vocational Agriculture Shop and Classroom HVAC system and the installation of a new HVAC system. 3) The installation of a Welding and Air Pollution Control System in the Vocational Agriculture Shop. 4) The installation of new electrical lighting in the vocational agriculture shop, and wiring in the vocational agriculture shop and classroom to support welding system and HVAC upgrades. The School District reserves the right (a) to terminate the bid process at any time; (b) to reject any or all bids; and (c) to waive formalities and minor irregularities in the bids received. The School District further reserves the right to conduct a pre-award survey of any firm or individual under consideration to confirm any of the furnished information or to require other evidence of managerial, financial, technical and other capabilities, the positive establishment of which is determined by the School District to be necessary for the successful performance of the contract. The School District further reserves the right to cancel or amend the invitation to bid at any time and will notify all recipients accordingly. 4. DAVIS-BACON. The parties shall comply with the Davis-Bacon Act and other applicable federal requirements. Contractors and their subcontractors are to pay laborers and mechanics employed directly upon the site of the work no less than the locally prevailing wages and fringe benefits paid on projects of a similar character as determined by the U.S. Secretary of Labor. 5. INQUIRIES AND BID INSTRUCTIONS. Requests for full bid instructions and all questions, inquiries, or requests for clarification or site inspection should be submitted in writing to Superintendent Brian Rottinghaus, e-mail:




Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 9, 2023

May 15, 2023


729 E St, Pawnee City, NE

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