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Published January 18, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lebanon, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Lebanon Public Works - Engineering is seeking statements of qualifications to provide on-call General Engineering Services in support of public works projects throughout the City. Please refer to the Scope of Work below for additional details. The following is a general framework of services that could be provided by the consultant, including but not limited to: Planning, Preliminary Design and Final Construction Documents for Highway and Traffic Related Reconstruction and Rehabilitation projects; Planning, Preliminary Design and Final Construction Documents for Bridge and Culvert Replacement and Rehabilitation projects; Planning, Preliminary Design and Final Construction Documents for Solid Waste and Landfill projects; Planning, Preliminary Design and Final Construction Documents for Municipal Airport projects; Planning, Preliminary Design and Final Construction Documents for Utility Treatment/Collection/ Distribution Replacement and Rehabilitation projects; Planning, Preliminary Design and Final Construction Documents for Ancillary Highway Appurtenance projects, including guardrails, signals, signs, and pavement markings; Survey and Mapping projects, including aerial photogrammetry, ground survey, GPS, LiDAR, Right-of-Way survey and mapping work, and GIS work; Right-of-Way acquisition work; Hydraulic Analysis work, Slope Stabilization projects, and Drainage Improvement projects; Construction Observation and Construction Management; Geotechnical and environmental engineering services; Structural-bridge and retaining wall design; Planning and funding support services for municipal infrastructure projects; Other projects undertaken by the City of Lebanon. This framework shall not limit services. Instead, the scope of services will be tailored to the magnitude of each respective project, its budget, schedule, and nature. The Consultant shall clearly specify which of the services they are capable of providing. Firms can submit for all of the services or any subset thereof. The City of Lebanon Public Works - Engineering is seeking statements of qualifications to provide on-call General Engineering Services in support of public works projects throughout the City. The projects include existing and new utility capital improvement and maintenance projects for water, wastewater, transportation systems, solid waste facilities, landfill and the municipal airport. The work includes design (conceptual to final), preparation of plans, bidding/procurement, environmental assessments, Federal, State and local permitting, geotechnical, retaining wall design, structural: bridge and inspection services, surveys, project scoping and cost estimating, project management, construction observation, QA/QC, site evaluations, studies and modeling, grant writing/management, plan reviews, peer reviews/value engineering, and presentations. Projects are funded by local, state or federal funds. Firms can submit for all of the projects or any subset thereof. The City's intent is to award contracts to qualified firms for a duration of five years. Proposals will be considered only from Consultants who can demonstrate the following minimum qualifications: Consulting firm is licensed to practice engineering in the State of New Hampshire and can effectively provide the required professional services. Staff shall hold a current New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) Local Public Agency (LPA) certifications where applicable. The individual or individuals or sub-consultants who will be assigned the responsibility to projects shall have significant experience in engineering within the last five years in the State of New Hampshire. Consultant and staff shall be knowledgeable of all applicable state and federal laws and be prepared to be compliant with all local regulations. A proven record of meeting project deadlines and budgets set by the City. Question Submission Deadline:February 15, 2023, 4:00pm Question Response Deadline:February 22, 2023, 11:00am Interviews (at City's discretion):Week of 3/20/2023 Contract Negotiations Begin:March 27, 2023 The City of Lebanon Public Works - Engineering is seeking professional services for on-call General Engineering Services. Proposals will be considered only from Consultants who can demonstrate the following minimum qualifications: Consulting firm is licensed to practice in the State of New Hampshire and is able to effectively provide the required professional services. Demonstrated ability and prior experience of the firm and the personnel to be assigned to this project and individual or individuals or sub-consultants who will be assigned the responsibility to projects shall have significant experience within the last five years in the State of New Hampshire. Consultant and staff shall be knowledgeable of all applicable standards and procedures for Federal, State, and local by-laws. The Agreement for Engineering Services shall include the City of Lebanon Standard Professional Services Agreement, this Request for Qualifications, the firm's response to this RFQ, an insurance binder, and a W9. Questions relating to this RFQ will ONLY be accepted through the City of Lebanon eProcurement portal, no later than Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 4:00 pm. Please do not submit questions via email or any other means or medium. Responses to all timely and appropriate questions will be posted through the eProcurement Portal on or before Wednesday, February 22, 2023 at 11:00 am. To submit a question: go to the City of Lebanon eProcurement Portal at LebanonNH.gov/BidPortal; click on the project title to open the project page; from the project page, select "Question & Answer" click on "Ask Question." Responses to questions/requests for clarification will be posted to the project page and will be sent via email notification to all subscribed Proposers. Questions answered on the eProcurement portal are considered to be a part of, or clarification to, the RFQ and are considered to be addenda to be acknowledged by Proposers. The City may also issue a separate addendum document in response to questions/requests for clarification. It is the responsibility of each Proposer to ensure that they have registered on the eProcurement portal and subscribed to receive notifications. This Request for Qualifications does not commit the CITY to award a contract in the form of a Master Services Agreement (MSA), to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a response to this request, or to procure or contract for services or supplies. The CITY reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request or to cancel in part, or entirety, this Request for Qualifications if in the best interest of the CITY to do so. After firms are selected based on qualifications, the City will enter into contract negotiations with selected firms. There will be a MSA that will be executed and there will be Task Orders developed for individual projects. Should there be discrepancies in or omissions from the MSA or is in doubt as to their meaning, the Vendor should at once notify the City. In general, no answer will be given to the prospective Vendors in reply to an oral question if the question involves the equality or use of products or methods other than those specifically designated or described in the specifications. All information given to Vendors by means other than set forth in the MSA is given informally and shall not be used as the basis of a claim against the City of Lebanon. Omissions, discrepancies, and questions must be submitted via the eProcurement portal by the designated date and time on the timeline. If a question involves the equality or use of products or methods not specifically designated or described in the drawings or specifications, it must be accompanied by drawings, specifications, or other data in sufficient detail to enable the City to determine the equality or suitability of the product or method. In general, the City will neither approve nor disapprove particular products prior to the opening of the bids; such products will generally be considered only when offered by the Vendor for incorporation into the work after the award and signing of the MSA. The City will prepare Addenda to address all pertinent questions received, and answers shall be provided by the designated date and time on the timeline. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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