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Published January 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Guelph, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The University of Guelph Advanced Analysis Centre (AAC) operates 7 NMR spectrometers and 6 mass spectrometers capable of a wide array of analytical experiments. The Centre provides research support to research groups across the University of Guelph as well as other academic and industrial researchers, addressing a wide range of research into chemicals, materials, biological samples, food, and human and animal health. Our scientific instrumentation requires a steady supply of gaseous and liquid nitrogen. The AAC's NMR spectrometers requires a constant supply of liquid nitrogen to maintain the cryogenic temperatures for upkeep of the "superconducting cryomagnet" in each spectrometer. By design, this liquid nitrogen evaporates over time and is lost to the atmosphere, necessitating the purchase of liquid nitrogen to refill the magnets on a weekly basis. The AAC's mass spectrometers and one of the NMR spectrometers also require an uninterrupted supply of gaseous nitrogen for system upkeep and to conduct experiments. The University's current supply agreement includes rental of a 6000 gallon liquid nitrogen bulk tank, two gas expansion towers, and an Adjustable Pressure Phase Separator (APPS) unit. The system supplies 120 psi gas and 23 psi liquid. It is located outdoors between the Science Complex and MacNaughton buildings, on an 18 inch thick concrete slab measuring 19 ft. long by 14.5 ft wide, and enclosed with a fence. The Respondents monitors the bulk tank volume and pressure via a telemetry unit, and automatically refills the system as needed. The nitrogen gas supply (120 psi) is connected to University-owned piping, which supplies the six mass spectrometers and one of the NMR spectrometers. The nitrogen liquid supply is connected to a University-owned vacuum jacketed (VJ) line. The VJ line terminates in the adjacent Science Complex building, provide a direction connection from the APPS unit to our instrumentation. While this system is supposed to deliver a steady 23 psi liquid supply, the pressure sharply increases if the APPS unit is being refilled while the VJ line is in use. This is an undesirable situation as our equipment does not tolerate liquid pressures greater than 23 psiIt is the University's intention to enter into the agreement with one (1) legal entity. The term of the agreement is to be for five years and five optional one year. The top-ranked proponent at the conclusion of evaluation will be invited to enter into negotiations for an agreement with the University. All proposals submitted are to be in English only. Interested proponents are to download the complete RFP documents free of charge at the University's public purchasing portal https://uoguelph.bonfirehub.ca (the Portal). To contact the University or ask questions in relation to this RFP, proponents must register with the Portal and initiate the communication electronically through the Opportunity Q&A of the Portal. Registration is free of charge. The University will not accept any prospective proponent's communications by any other means. Participating proponents are to submit proposals by uploading documents electronically to the Portal https://uoguelph.bonfirehub.ca. The University will not accept paper, fax or email submission. There will be no public opening of tenders for this RFP. The award of the RFP will be posted at the Portal. This procurement is subject to Chapter Five of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement. Documents can be obtained at: https://uoguelph.bonfirehub.ca/opportunities/61804 Questions Due Date: Jan 31st 2023, 2:00 PM EST



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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50 Stone Rd E, Guelph, ON

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