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Published January 30, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Lakeland Shores, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

This Request for Proposal has been prepared by Washington County to provide resources, labor, and equipment for cleaning services at the Washington County Valley Library. Questions Due January 23rd, 2023 Contractor will provide resources, labor, equipment, and expertise necessary to perform cleaning services at the Washington County Valley Library. The contractor will conduct the following: 2.1. Tasks o Clean common areas 5X/Week including: o Entry door glass o Vacuum all carpet and spot clean o Total cleaning of the bathroom o Restocking of bathroom with supplies provided by Contractor o Clean tile floor and area in back entry (vacuum/sweep/mop as needed) o Dust library, rotating daily to ensure all areas are o Dust/vacuum chairs o Total clean of kitchenette o Total clean of back-office area o Dust high areas as needed o Clean floor and sink in storage area o Dust TVs and monitors as needed o Total cleaning of all glass inside and out 2X's/year. Proposals will be evaluated, and a successful Contractor will be chosen on the basis of qualifications and cost of services. Please provide an appropriate fee schedule for the requested services. The successful Contractor will be required to submit a detailed scope of services and budget promptly after selection. Washington County and the successful Contractor will then meet to negotiate the final scope of services and compensation. If Washington County and the successful Contractor are unable to agree upon a scope of services and compensation within a reasonable time, as determined by the County, negotiations may commence with the next highest-ranked Contractor. The County reserves the right to waive any minor irregularities in the proposal request process. The County reserves the right to interview any, all, or none of the Contractors at its discretion. The County shall not be liable for any expenses incurred by the Contractor including but not limited to expenses associated with the preparation of the proposal. Prospective Contractors should thoroughly read the CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS attached hereto (Appendix A) as the Contractor to whom the Contract is awarded shall be required to comply with the terms and conditions contained therein



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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384 St Croix Trail S, Lakeland Shores, MN

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