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Published February 22, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Columbus, Ohio. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

The iconic Park skatepark was designed by Frank Hawk, father to famous skateboarder Tony Hawk, and constructed in 1990. Park became the first public skatepark in a City where skateboarding was outlawed in most public places. At the time, it was the only skatepark in Central Columbus. Skatepark is a historical space still heavily used by residents and popular for skateboarders around the Country. After 30+ years of life, skatepark needs significant restoration due to dangerously big cracks, concrete damage, and overall wear and tear. The main goal of this project is to revive Skatepark through necessary concrete/asphalt repair and replacement to provide a temporary (~ 5 years) fix before the skatepark will be replaced in full and expanded. All repairs will need to be designed to honor the historical relevance of the skatepark by maintaining the overall feel of the park while making intentional enhancements to better improve circulation and rideability. A secondary goal of this project is to masterplan a cost-effective, constructible expansion for Park and carry out the necessary public engagement to confirm the selected layout. This RFP seeks an Offeror that specializes in skatepark design and construction services. The Offeror shall have a minimum of 5 years previous experience in design and construction installation of similar or more expansive skatepark design and construction installation to be considered for the contract. All project scope, including public engagement, design, construction, and master planning activities must be complete prior to December 1, 2023. Deadline to Submit Questions January 24th, 2023 Notice to Proceed: May 2023 Questions: Direct questions via e-mail only to Kelly Messer at knmesser@columbus.gov. No contact is to be made with the City other than with the Project Manager through e-mail with respect to this RFP or its status. The deadline for questions is stipulated in Section 3 above.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 3, 2023

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379 Mc Dowell St, Columbus, OH

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