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Published March 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Early, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The City of Early and the Early Municipal Development District are used synonymously throughout the Request for Proposals; the contract for this Request will be with the Early Municipal Development District. The guiding specifications for this project is the plan set from Automated Batting Cages dated 4-15-2015. This Request for Proposals includes providing labor and material to pour approximately 6,000 square feet slab of concrete to meet plans and specs referenced above. The awarding of the bid for this project will be based on the "Best Value" for the City of Early, Texas, as authorized by section 252.043(b) of the Texas Local Government Code. In determining the best value for the municipality, the municipality may consider: 1. The purchase price; 2. The reputation of the bidder and off the bidder's goods or services; 3. The quality of the bidders goods or services; 4. The extent to which the goods or services meet the municipality's needs; 5. The bidders past relationship with the municipality; 6. The impact on the ability of the municipality to comply with laws and rules relating to contracting with historically underutilized businesses and non-profit organizations employing persons with disabilities; 7. The total, long-term cost to the municipality to acquire the bidder's goods or services; 8. Any relevant criteria specifically listed in the request for bids or proposals. The City Council/Early Municipal Development District reserves the right authorized by section 252.043(f) of the Texas Local Government Code: (f) The governing body may reject any and all bids. The Contractor will be required to abide by section 252.044 of the Texas Local Government Code and Chapter 2253 of the Texas Government Code concerning required bid and performance bonds. The project shall be bid with a base bid structure on the attached sheet. City of Early, with assistance from the contractor, will locate all vertical piping for fence, equipment, and supports, The City of Early will drill the support piers. City of Early will be responsible for purchasing, cutting, labeling and finishing all vertical pipes. Contractor will be responsible for securing pipes in place until slab is poured. City of Early will be responsible for providing a pad set to grade, but minimal grading to accommodate contours in the slab plan will be responsibility of the contractor. Any staging area or material stockpiles on City property must be preapproved. Contact Larry McConn at 325-643-5451 for more information. No trees shall be removed or trimmed without prior coordination and approval of City of Early. Contact Larry McConn at 325-643-5451 for more information. All improvements are located on City of Early or Early Municipal Development land. Land adjacent to the construction limits will remain free of construction traffic, staging or activities as to preserve the native plants, grasses and trees. Contractor shall maintain grade control such that positive drainage is maintained at all times. City of Early will be responsible for all sidewalk connections not shown on plan set attached. SEQUENCE OF WORK Notice to proceed will be issued Perimeter forms will be set Drainage pipe will be installed Vertical pipes will be located and secured Electrician will place underground in slab Steel will be placed in slab Concrete slab will be poured Forms will be wrecked and all debris will be removed PROGRESSION Contractor shall furnish a starting and completion date as part of their proposal for construction. FINAL CLEAN UP Upon completion of the work, and before final acceptance and final payment is made, the contractor will clear and remove from the site all surplus and discarded materials and debris of every kind, leaving the entire project site in a neat and sightly condition.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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To Be Determined, Early, TX

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