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Published February 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Peru, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

For Modernization of Two Hydraulic Elevator Cabs All work shall be performed per the plans and specifications prepared by Design House Architects and Designers LLC 5668 Redwood Road, Plymouth, IN. Bid work shall consist of Modernization of two hydraulic elevator cabs for the 3 story apartment building at the Eastwood Place Property. All bids shall be executed on forms provided in the specifications or approved equal provided by the bidder. Each bid must include a "noncollusion" affidavit and fully enclosed HUD 5369-A form, and a Bid Bond in the amount of five (5) percent of the amount of the bid. This bond will be forfeit in case of any failure to enter into the contract at the bid price after notification of acceptance of such bid. Section 3 Performance as well as all other forms as outlined in the specifications must accompany all bids. Both the Architect and Housing Authority desire all prime contractors submitting bids to encourage all minority subcontractors to perform any portions of the work which will not be performed by the contractors forces or could be performed by the minority subcontractor. Bidders must submit written evidence that they have solicited quotations from qualified Section 3 subcontractors at the time the bidder submits its bid to the Housing Authority for all portions of work the bidder is not proposing to complete with his forces. The Architect and Housing Authority also desire that the prime contractor will make an attempt at the hiring of those housing residents that can perform any function of the work successfully. All bidders shall comply with HUD Section 3 Clause of regulation 24 C.F.R. part 135. The Peru Housing Authority is in no way obligated to accept the lowest or any other bid submitted and reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The Peru Housing Authority also may waive Informalities in any bid if it judges to do so and to defer the acceptance or rejection of such bids until the financial arrangements for the project bid are completed. Winning bid will be taken under advisement and will be awarded after the Peru Housing Authority board meeting on February 15th. These bonds shall conform to the forms prescribed by the State Board of Accounts.




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Multiple Locations, Peru, IN

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