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Published March 9, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Kennedy Township, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

As of March 9, 2023. Project has been awarded to A.Folino Construction Inc. with the amount of $1,140,189.84 A certified check or bid bond for the amount of 10% is required. Bonds are to be issued by a surety licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Bidders are required to comply with the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act of 1961, P.L. 987, No. 442, Robinson Township reserves the right to consider the bids for sixty (60) days after the receipt thereof, and further reserves the right to reject any or all bids, either in whole or in part and also to waive any informality in any and make such awards or take action as may be in the best interest of Robinson Township. Contract award shall be made subject to the necessary moneys to do the work being provided by Robinson Township in a lawful manner. Any contract to be executed by the successful bidder will provide that it shall not become effective until the necessary moneys to do the work have been provided by Robinson Township in a lawful manner. The award shall further be subjected to the securing of necessary State, Federal or Local permits governing the work. Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12101, et.seq.). The contractor is also further notified that he must comply with the bid specification and submit a Disclosure Statement listing stockholders with his bid. Only the Successful Bidder for a contract will be responsible for payment of a fee to and for bearing the cost thereof. The amount of the fee due to is either 1/3% (0.0033) of the initial contract award amount for fixed fee contracts or 1/6% (0.00166) of the expected contract value for term contracts and will be invoiced by to the successful bidder upon award of a contract by the Local Contracting Unit. The minimum fee is set at $100.00 and the maximum fee is capped at $5,000.00. For Bidders and vendors Using the electronic bid management system to respond to this Request-for-Quotation The Township of Robinson, along with many PA municipalities, Authorities, and private firms, is utilizing the electronic procurement Program for solicitations, RFPs, and RFQs. Using beneficial to both the agencies as well as the bidders. Costs and bidding effort is greatly reduced as bid documents are available online, all Q&As are via email, and sealed bids can be submitted and updated online. Interested bidders need to register only once, a free process that takes only a few minutes. Once registered, bidders have access to publically available bids and solicitations from every Agency within , plus are available for By-Invitation-Only RFPs and RFQs. Bidders can obtain all project documents and submit and update their confidential bids online. Sealed Bid Confidentiality The confidentiality of the sealed bid system is a cornerstone of theProgram. At no time before Bid Opening can anyone see your electronic bid. Confidentiality of Identity When questions are asked and answered, bidder identity is not disclosed to other bidders. 1. Documents All documents may be downloaded directly to your computer. Documents can be electronically sent to your suppliers and sub contractors. 2. Being added to the "Bidders List" By downloading any document, you are automatically added to the list of bidders for this solicitation. 3. Questions by clicking on the "Questions" tab, you can see all questions that have been asked and answered related to this solicitation. You can also ask questions directly through this tab. When the agency answers the question, both the question and answer is emailed directly to all bidders. 4. Submitting and Updating Bids You may submit and update your bid anytime up to the bid due date and time by clicking on the "Bid" tab. You need only to provide the per unit price. The Program will automatically calculate the extended price (no more math errors). You can update any line item without affecting the rest of your quote. What to submit with this bid Click on the "Bid" tab Enter financial bid Answer questions (if any) Attach a single electronic file or zipped folder containing the documents listed below: Bid Security of 10% Proposal Section with all items indicated on page P-1 Important Note 1 The award of the contract shall be made subject to the necessary monies to do the work being provided by the Owner in a lawful manner. The contract to be executed by the successful bidder will provide that it shall not become effective until the necessary monies to do the work have been provided by the Owner in a lawful manner. The Contractors/Suppliers may bid on each contract separately, combination of the contracts, or all contracts. The Township of Robinson reserves the right to award the rm contract at its own discretion. The award shall further be subjected to the securing of necessary State, Federal or Local permits governing the work. Important Note 2 Bidders are required to comply with the requirements of the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C 12101, et. seq.). Important Note 3 Upon request only, bidders will need to submit other documents in original form and signatures to the agency within 3 business days. Documents such as non-collusion affidavits, detailed financial information, paper bid bond, etc. will be requested prior to award. Important Note 4 If the Program is idle for 50 minutes, a logout warning will appear. Bidders must acknowledge. If bidder does not acknowledge that they want to continue working, they will be logged out and bidder's data will not be saved or submitted. How to submit your bid The Bid tab contains the electronic bid form. All Per Unit Price fields must be filled out. To no-bid a line item, insert a zero (0). automatically complete the line extensions and bid totals. At the bottom of the page, check the Verification Statement and click Submit Bid. Completed bid form can be printed or saved to Excel by clicking the icons in the middle of the bid form page. Submitting documents with electronic bid An electronic copy of the documents listed above is to be submitted with the electronic bid. To attach theses documents: 1. Fill out required documents and scan to create a single electronic file or save as a single zipped folder containing all documents 2. From the Bid tab, click on "browse" (middle of the page), then click on the file or zipped folder name. The file will be attached to your bid submission when the Submit Bid button is clicked. Important Note 5 when uploading a proposal or other document, the maximum individual file or folder size is 20Mb Verifying that your bid was submitted If submitted properly, you will receive an acknowledgement appearing in the middle of your screen saying, "Your bid has been submitted". Withdrawing Your Bid You may withdraw your bid anytime up to bid due date and time by simply clicking on Withdraw Bid, located at the bottom of the Bid tab. Help Guides There are several Help Guides available from the Home Page. Additional Support If additional support is needed, click on the "Contact Us" button located at the upper right of each screen or call us at (610) 732-4224.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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February 2, 2023

March 6, 2023


Multiple Locations, Kennedy Township, PA

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