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Published January 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Selkirk, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Reference Number 0000239645 Source ID PV.MN.MB.498.C107449 Questions are submitted online No The Government of Manitoba (Manitoba) is requesting bid submissions for the supply and deliver/installation of a Cantilever Chain Link Gate. CONTACT: Darren Derksen at email Please contact the individual noted above if additional information or clarification is required on the following items. Bidder must indicate if you are able to meet the requested delivery date of March 31, 2023 yes ____ OR no ____ If NO, then indicated a realistic delivery as follows: Delivery in ___ working days or ___weeks from receipt of the order. This procurement is subject to Canadian Free Trade Agreement. GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS: Bidders must "login" to MERX to access the General Terms & Conditions which apply to this RFQ, in addition to those shown below. After "login" follow the links: Information -> Government Publications -> Manitoba Terms and Conditions -> Request for Quotation. SUBMISSION TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The Bid MUST be signed by a representative of the Bidder with the authority to bind the Bidder. The name and title of the representative signing the Bid should also be printed below their signature. Vendor's e-mail address: (if available) ____________________ Quantity clarification: quantity listed contains 2 or 3 decimals. _________________________________________________________________________ ITEM QTY DESCRIPTION DELIVERY NO. DATE ======================================================== ITEM 10 31/03/2023 1.00 Each GSIN: N9999MATERIAL: 58425 GATE, SLIDE, AS DESCRIBED BELOW: Supply and install of new Cantilever Chain Link Gate: 6 feet high 22 feet long Posts and rollers still usable from existing Please refer to Reference Photos attachment Please indicate: Manufacturers Name__________ Brand Name______________ Product / Style Number ________ Bidder's catalogue/reference number (if applicable) ___________. ======================================================== NOTE: If any of the above items/features are accessories they are to be included and installed prior to delivery. It is the suppliers responsibility to test all systems to ensure they are functioning properly prior to delivery. QUOTATION EVALUATION: Generally the lowest overall price of an acceptable item in accordance with the terms & conditions of the RFQ will be awarded the order. Quotations will be evaluated SEPERATELY, based on suitability of product offered compared to the end users needs, description/specifications of the product offered, delivery, price, quality of the bidder's performance in past awards and any other terms & conditions indicated on this RFQ Failure to provide adequate information to evaluate the item offered may be cause for rejection of your quote by Manitoba. QUALITY / ACCEPTABILITY: Any product supplied must be new, unused, first quality. Demo units will not be accepted. All goods delivered are subject to inspection prior to delivery acceptance. Signing of any delivery slip should not be construed as acceptance of the product delivered. Manitoba reserves the right to reject any product, after final inspection that does not meet the specification or product description requested. Manitoba reserves the right to reject any product supplied which, upon inspection or use, is deemed by the using department to be unacceptable for their intended use. Products to be supplied as specified on the contract/purchase order. Any substitutes shipped without prior written approval will be rejected at time of delivery or held at shipper's risk pending return instructions Products rejected by the using department will be returned to the Vendor for full credit or replacement product at no cost to Manitoba or the contract may be cancelled. (unit prices include all necessary charges e.g. freight, insurance, handling etc.) If any charges are not included please explain in detail any/all charges that will be extra to the unit prices quoted and that will be charged on the invoice. WARRANTY: MANUFACTURER'S WARRANTY: State warranty of units offered (as applicable to Manitoba's use) (Manitoba's use would usually be considered commercial application not consumer) Product _________ months OR _______ years Labour _________ months OR _______ years Please note: During the period of the warranty offered, all labour, transportation, parts, surcharges including shipping and brokerage will be included. The Province of Manitoba will not pay additional charges while the item(s) offered are under the above stated warranty. If the warranty offered is the Vendor's warranty in combination with or in place of the Manufacturer's warranty then a complete explanation must be provided. WARRANTY SERVICE/LOCATION: Potential costs associated with the location of warranty service might be used in the evaluation of this quote Is warranty service provided on site at our premises Yes___ or No____ If No<(>,<)> Indicate the location the unit must be sent to for manufacturer's certified and/or approved warranty service, closest to the point of delivery, for this tender<(>,<)> Company name_______________________ Location (city & province)______________ Do you have a toll free phone number for warranty service Yes______ or No______ IF YES, PLEASE PROVIDE:________________________ NON-WARRANTY FOR PARTS AND SERVICE: Please provide details as follows for the unit(s) offered (For occasional non-warranty service and parts purchases) Current labour rate for in-shop service $_________ per hour Parts and accessories charged at: ________ % discount from ____________________ prices (indicate retail, wholesale etc.) AFTER WARRANTY SERVICE: Is after warranty service provider the same as above Yes ___ or No_____ If No please advise Company name_______________________ Location (city & province)______________ GOVERNING LAWS: Manitoba requires its suppliers to adhere to provincial labour laws and, where businesses use sources outside of Canada, Manitoba expects suppliers to comply with local labour laws in the country of manufacture. INDIGENOUS BUSINESS STANDARD FOR "GOODS WITH RELATED SERVICES" DEFINITIONS: "Indigenous Business" means a business that is at least 51% Indigenous owned and controlled and, if it has six or more full-time employees, at least one-third of its employees must be Indigenous persons. "Indigenous Business Directory" means a business directory of Indigenous businesses that meet Manitoba's definition of an Indigenous business. 'Indigenous Business Standard" means terms and conditions that indicate that Indigenous business participation is desirable but not mandatory. "Indigenous Person" means a First Nations, Non-status Indian, Metis or Inuit person who is a Canadian citizen and resident of Canada. INDIGENOUS PROCUREMENT INITIATIVE: Manitoba is committed to community economic development as a key component of its economic strategy. It intends to develop a provincial economy that is more inclusive, equitable and sustainable. Procurement practices are one means that can be used to contribute to the growth of Indigenous businesses. In that regard, Manitoba developed the Indigenous Procurement Initiative (IPI). The objective of IPI is to increase the participation of Indigenous businesses in providing goods and services to Manitoba. INDIGENOUS BUSINESS STANDARD: Indigenous participation is desired but bids will not be disqualified if there is no Indigenous business participation. INDIGENOUS BUSINESS DIRECTORY: Manitoba has established a directory of Indigenous businesses called the "Indigenous Business Directory". This directory is a list of Indigenous businesses (including non profit organizations and economic development corporations) that have self declared as an Indigenous Business meeting that definition under the IPI. It is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive but may be a useful resource to identifying Indigenous businesses for potential partnering or sub-contracting purposes. Indigenous businesses not listed in the Directory may also be used. Registration in the Indigenous Business Directory does not guarantee certification as an Indigenous business, as business status may change; therefore formal certification is required in the formal tender process. Indigenous businesses are encouraged to register by contacting Procurement Services Branch. For further information on the Indigenous Business Directory, registration forms and access to a copy of the Indigenous Business. Directory please see the following website: bd.html or contact: Manitoba Central Services Procurement & Supply Chain 600-352 Donald Street. Winnipeg, Manitoba General Inquiry Line Ph: 204-945-6361 Fax: 204-945-1455 For all other general inquiries related to this tender opportunity, please contact the name of the individual(s) identified on page one of this tender document. TERMINATION: Manitoba may, in its sole discretion, immediately terminate a purchase order/contract in writing if: a) the vendor fails to properly fulfill, perform, satisfy and carry out each and every one of its obligations under the purchase order/contract, or b) the vendor fails or refuses to comply with a verbal or written request or direction from Manitoba within three(3) days of receiving the request or direction; or c) the vendor become bankrupt or insolvent or liquidates; or d) a receiver, trustee or custodian is appointed for the assets of the vendor, or any partner thereof; or e) the vendor or any partner thereof makes a compromise, arrangement, or assignment with or for the benefit of the creditors of the vendor or of that partner, as the case may be; or f) the vendor fails to secure or renew any license or permit for the vendors business required by law; or any such license or permit is revoked or suspended; or g) the vendor or any partner, officer or director of the vendor is found guilty of an indictable offence; or h) the vendor fails to comply with any law or regulation relating to the employment of its employees; or i) the vendor at any time engages in any activities or trade practices which, in the opinion of Manitoba, are prejudicial to the interests of Manitoba, or a department or agency thereof; or j) there is a breach of any provision of the purchase order/contract. k) the goods provided by the vendor are not according to the contract or otherwise unsatisfactory; or l) the services provided by the vendor are unsatisfactory, inadequate, or are improperly performed; or m) the vendor has failed to meet the delivery date indicated on the purchase order/contract or repeatedly failed to meet the delivery lead time, indicated on the purchase order/contract. REGISTRATION/FORMS: All dealer supplied forms that are required for the Department to register/insure the unit in Manitoba must be fully completed and provided immediately on delivery. PUBLICITY, MEDIA AND OFFICIAL ENQUIRIES: Neither the bidder nor its suppliers/vendors, employees or consultants shall make any public statement relating to the existence or performance of the purchase order/contract without the prior written consent of the Province of Manitoba, which shall not be unreasonably withheld. The provision of this condition shall apply during the extension of a purchase order/contract and indefinitely after its expiry or termination. CONFIDENTIALITY: The content of this RFQ and any other information received by the Bidder relating to the RFQ, gained through the RFQ process or otherwise, is to be treated in strict confidentiality. The Bidder shall not disclose any of the information in whole or in part to anyone not specifically involved in the preparation of the Bidder's quotation, unless written consent is secured from Manitoba prior to the said disclosure. The obligation of each Bidder to maintain confidentiality shall survive the expiration or the acceptance/rejection of their quotation and/or any resulting Contract/ Agreement(s) to supply the requirements of this RFQ. VENDOR INFORMATION: RIGHT TO REISSUE RFQ Manitoba reserves the right to cancel and/or reissue the RFQ where, in Manitoba's sole opinion, none of the quotes submitted in response to the RFQ warrant acceptance or where it would be in the best interests of Manitoba to do so. Costs incurred in the preparation, presentation and submission of a quote shall be borne entirely by the Bidder. Manitoba shall not reimburse any bidders for any costs if the RFQ is cancelled or reissued. AUTHORIZED VENDOR: Manitoba reserves the right, prior to any contract award, to secure evidence to Manitoba's satisfaction that any bidder is the manufacturer or an authorized distributor, dealer or retailer of the goods offered and is authorized to sell these goods in Manitoba, Canada and upon request will provide Manitoba with written evidence thereof. INVOICING AND PAYMENT: Subject to the following subsections, in consideration the goods provided or delivered to the satisfaction of Manitoba, Manitoba shall pay the Contractor an amount not exceeding the amount specified in the successful Contractor's bid submission. All invoices shall be issued in writing and satisfactory to Manitoba in both form and content. The contractor shall also provide to Manitoba such supporting documents, vouchers, statements and receipts as requested by Manitoba. Manitoba shall endeavor to pay the Contractor any fees due within 30 days net after the receipt and approval of the invoice and any supporting materials requested. CANADIAN FUNDS: Manitoba prefers to receive quotations in Canadian funds. If the pricing offered is quoted in a currency other than Canadian then the currency is to be clearly identified on the quote document. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ADDRESS: Due to our computerized accounts payable system please advise if your invoice address (accounts receivable) is the same as the address for orders / quotes shown above YES ____ or NO ______ If NO provide complete details i.e. box #, street address, city<(>,<)> province, postal code, etc. _________________ MANITOBA'S RETAIL SALES TAX LICENSE: Are you licensed by Manitoba Finance to collect and remit Manitoba's Retail Sales Tax YES_____ or NO_____ If NO disregard the following paragraph. MANITOBA'S RETAIL SALES TAX: Is the product(s) offered subject to Manitoba's Retail Sales Tax YES____ or NO _____ If the quote consists of both taxable (T) and non-taxable ( NT) items please indicate T or NT opposite each item offered. PAYMENT TERMS: Manitoba will consider Early Payment Terms. Manitoba's standard payment term is net thirty (30) days. The Bidder shall specify their standard invoice term: _____________________________ Is there any applicable discounts for early payment Yes _____ No _____ Initial __________ If Yes, please specify: _____________________________________________________ Does your early payment clause appear on your invoice Yes _____ No _____ Initial __________ YOUR QUOTATION REFERENCE # (if applicable) ________ Monday - Friday 8:30 to 4:30 Please call 204-785-5080 before delivery. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.
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