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Published February 15, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a pre-engineered storage facility in Wye Mills, Maryland. Completed plans call for the construction of a pre-engineered storage facility; and for site work for a pre-engineered storage facility.

Cut off for questions Wednesday December 6, 2023 1:00 PM Scope of Work: Chesapeake College is seeking qualified bidders licensed by the State of Maryland as a MI-IIC contractor in order to provide all labor and materials to construct a storage building 40' x 80' x 16. Specifications: Contractor must furnish and provide all materials and perform all labor necessary for the completion of a 40' x 80' x 16' Commercial Post Frame Building. Specifications Include: All components must be equal to or greater than the following specified materials. 1. Posts: 3-Ply 2 x 6 Glue Lam, Spaced 8' On Center Southern Yellow Pine. Lower section -- Treated to .0.60 Retention CCA 2. Carriers: 2" x 12" # 2 or better lumber and/or LVL's. 3. Skirt boards: 2 x 8, pressure treated # 2 or better .12 MCA ground Treated. 4. Purlins: 2 x 4, spaced on 2' centers #2 or Better SPF/HEM Fir. 5. Side Girts: 2 x 4, spaced on 2' centers #2 or Better SPF/HEM Fir. 6. Trusses: Engineered to be spaced on 4' centers, 4/12 pitch, Top Cord, 2/12 pitch Bottom Cord Scissors Trusses Machine Stress Rated SPF. 7. Roofing/Siding: 29 Ga., 40 Yr. Limited Warranty, CCG Metal. 8. Footers: 3500 PSI Concrete, holes filled to within 6" of Surface. 9. Overhang: 12" Overhang with Vinyl Soffit & Painted Steel Fascia on Eaves & Gable. 10. Doors: A. Four (4) 12' x 14' Commercial overhead Non-Insulated Doors. Each door will have an automatic door opener. Page | 5 B. Two (2) 3'0" x 6'8" Solid Panel non insulated doors. 11. Gutters: 5" Seamless Gutters with Four (4) Downspouts. 12. Post Savers: Post Protector to be provided by contractor for all Posts. 13. Ridge vents: Continuous Vented Ridge. 14. Concrete: 3500 PSI, Poly Barrier, Fiber Reinforced to be installed with a 2% slope 6" x 40' x 80' Building Slab. 15. Excavation: Contractor will be responsible to provide all excavation necessary to provide a level construction site and to create a swale around the entire building site in order to provide the natural flow of surface water away from the building. Contractor is responsible to level construction site. Contractor is responsible to dispose of remaining soil. Contractor is responsible for identifying and locating all underground utilities prior to the start of excavation. Contractor is responsible to contact Miss Utility prior to the start of excavation. 16. Electrical: A. Provide eight LED interior light fixtures and related wiring for interior lighting. There should be two per bay door with one switch at each 3' entry door. B. Power for four automatic door openers. C. Provide two exterior lights and related wiring. One above each 3' door. For specific information regarding this Request for Proposal, contact: Mrs. Heather Kraus Accounting Manager Wye Mills, Maryland 21679 Phone: (410) 827-5816 hkraus@chesapeake.edu The College reserves the right to cancel the contract for cause with twenty-four (24) hours written notice. The College reserves the right to reject any or all bids, or to waive any informalities and/or irregularities in the bid proposals, when in their judgment, the public will be better served.

Bid Results

Warehouse / Distribution - Pre-Engineered Storage Building


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1000 College Cir, Wye Mills, MD

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