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Published February 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in La Plata, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

QUESTIONS: Bidders are advised to send all questions to via email to efoddrell@cca.com or fax to (301) 934-7247, by the required date and time specified herein. A. Bid - The written response/bid submitted by a bidder in accordance with the requirements of an Invitation to Bid. B. Bidder - Any individual, company, firm, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity that submits a Bid in response to this Invitation to Bid (ITB). C. Bonds - A 100% Performance and payment bond may be required for all projects $100,000 or greater. This requirement will be enforced by CCPS Purchasing Department. D. Business Day(s) - Official working days of the week Monday-Friday; excluding CCPS holidays. E. CCPS - Charles County Public Schools. CCPS encompasses its Board members, elected and appointed officials, employees, officers, authorized agents, representatives, students, and volunteers. F. Contract - A mutual and legally binding document between CCPS and a Bidder. The ITB and the awarded Bidder's response to the ITB shall become the contract for this solicitation. G. Contract Documents - The ITB and the awarded Bidder's response. H. Fully Burdened Hourly Rates - Includes salary, administrative, overhead costs, and profit for the Awarded Vendor/Contractor. I. Invitation to Bid (ITB) - An ITB is a complete package of documents that includes a detailed Scope of Work/Specifications, Terms and Condition, and other binding documents. Awards are based on the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder. J. Notice of Award - Written notice of award from CCPS to the successful Bidder, which binds CCPS and the Bidder to the ITB and the Bidder's response. K. Properties - Any facility, land, or real estate owned, occupied, or controlled by CCPS. L. Vendor/Contractor - The responsive and responsible Bidder or Bidders responding to this ITB. M. Work - The goods and/or services required under this ITB. PURPOSE CCPS is requesting sealed bids from experienced and qualified Bidders to provide full service elevator inspections, repairs, and maintenance for CCPS schools, centers and office buildings. The resulting Contract shall be for one (1) year with options to renew for four (4) additional one (1) year periods. Services shall be supplied, and Work performed on various CCPS Properties, as identified in Section VIII. Specifications, and on the Specs., Pricing and Delivery Information Sheet (Attachment III), included herein. IV. SCOPE OF WORK 1. The successful Vendor/Contractor shall provide CCPS with a full service maintenance and repair contract for elevators located at schools, centers, and office buildings. The Work shall include, but is not limited to, furnishing all necessary labor, materials, parts, solvents, lubricants, insurance, contractor's license(s), subcontractors, supervision, transportation, equipment, and other resources necessary to provide full-service elevator inspections, cleanings, adjustments, complete maintenance, testing, repairs, replacements, and maintenance to elevator systems for the schools, offices and centers throughout the school district. The Work shall include similar work on all related equipment, appurtenance and accessories located in the elevator, machine rooms, hoist ways, pits, car tops, car interiors and elevator landings. All Work will be done on an "as needed basis", as directed by the Supervisor of Maintenance ("Supervisor") or his designee; and as described in, but not limited to, the Specifications contained in Attachment III, "Spec., Pricing and Delivery."



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, La Plata, MD

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