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Site work, paving and renovation of a civil project in Bastrop, Texas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The deadline to ask questions is 2/16/2023 3:00 PM CST Question Deadline has been extended to 3/2/23 at 3:00 pm The City of Bastrop is in the process of converting its water supply source from shallow alluvial wells primarily fed by the Colorado River to deep wells that draw from the Simsboro Aquifer; which will provide the City with a reliable, resilient, drinking water supply. THIS PACKAGE SPECIFICALLY contains the scope of work needed for the pipeline(s) from the well field to the WTP. The entirety of the project consists of the following: A new well field and production facilities Three additional wells are needed to meet Phase 1 flows, which consist of an average production capacity of 3 MGD and a peak capacity of 6 MGD. Water collection piping and access roads will be installed to each of the new wells. Groundwater treatment facilities Based on water quality sampling, a WTP primarily focusing on iron and manganese removal is needed. It will consist of chemical addition facilities housed in a chemical building and gravity filters housed in a filter building. Low Lift pump station Once treated, water will be pumped from the filter effluent to a 0.5 MG clearwell through the Low Lift pump station Ground Storage Tank (clearwell) Backwash pump station Backwash pumps will pull water from the clearwell and send it through the treatment plant to clean the filters Transmission piping - water will be conveyed through the 24-inch diameter, 21,500 lf transmission pipeline to GSTs at the Willow Site. Lift Station and Force Main A 21,500 lf wastewater forcemain will run along the same route as the transmission pipeline to convey wastewater generated during filter backwash and in the Filter Building to the City's wastewater collection system. Associated services Electrical and instrumentation Site development and access Various site improvements, paving, grading, fencing, landscaping. Includes: Furnish and Install all piping to bring water from the three well sites to the WTP, including, but not limited to, clear & grub, Dig, lay, bury of all pipe to each connection point, tunnels, road crossings, all associated Blow off valves, air release valves, and associated vaults, backfill of pipelines per plans and specs and final grading, testing and disinfection of lines, Restoration of any existing roadways or facilities impacted during construction, Install and Maintain SWPPP per plan provided by CMAR, trench safety, Coordinate with QC testing provided by Owner, spoil removal. Proposer is to incur all costs related to Proposer's failure to comply with all local regulations. Proposer shall adhere to all land rights notes shown on the plans. All work shall be completed by 10/14/24. Failure to complete work by the given milestone will result in $4250/day liquidated damages. Water will be provided by the owner from well J. CMAR is providing generator at Well J through construction. Proposer is to provide means to transport water as needed. Contractor expected to pick up full scope of work shown. Quantities given are approximate and for reference only. Excludes: Above grade piping at well sites (Pkg 4) Well Drilling and Vertical Turbine Pumps at Wells (Proposal Package 1) Clearwell (Proposal Package 2) Purchase of Treatment Equipment (Proposal Package 3) WTP Construction (Package 4) Electrical & I&C (Proposal Package 5) Lift Station, SS Force Main, and Distribution piping (Proposal Package 7) Well Site Access Roads and Sitework, including permanent chain-link fencing and gate. (Proposal Package 8) Paving and Site Restoration (Proposal Package 9) Division 4-10 work throughout Chemical and Filter Buildings (Bid Package 10)


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Renovation, Site Work





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To Be Determined, Bastrop, TX

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