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Published February 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Chilliwack, British Columbia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Provide new, complete, operational and tested mechanical HVAC systems for the installation of a replacement rooftop equipment, new duct distribution, modifying existing duct distribution, air balancing for both new and existing duct distribution of the upgraded zones, and DDC control as described herein, indicated on the drawings and in full conformance with applicable codes, standards and ordinances. Provide all labour, materials and products as specified, and as required to accomplish this work. Provide new DDC control system, including a new DDC panel, to control the new Roof Top Units and per control specifications section. The scope of the HVAC Upgrade work for this project generally includes the following: .1 Demolition of existing roof top units .2 Installation of new Roof Top Units (pre-ordered by SD#33) .3 Ductwork and ductwork cleaning of existing systems. .4 Direct Digital Controls (ESC Automation) .5 Complete Air systems balancing of existing systems .6 Natural gas piping and electrical hook-up of the new Rooftop Units. .7 Sheet metal ductwork and diffusers in classrooms. Demolition and builder's work will include the following: .1 Other demolition, painting, remediation, etc, as described in the specifications and on the drawings, to accommodate the Work. .2 Non-structural seismic protections Electrical works will require the following: .1 Electrical power supplies to the new Rooftop Units .2 Removal and replacement of miscellaneous electrical devices, including some equipment. The mechanical contractor shall act as the Prime Contractor for this project, responsible for the coordination of all trades required to carry out the work as described herein. Award is subject to final approval.




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46106 Southlands Crescent, Chilliwack, BC

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