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Published March 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Richmond, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Provide the maintenance and repair of (4) 700 ton Evapco cooling towers in accordance with the terms and conditions, and scope of work as described herein for the Capital Region Airport Commission. 1. Perform two (2) semi-annual service visits (April and October) to include the following a. Inspect the drift eliminators for debris, algae growth and proper position. Remove debris and clean the drift eliminators. b. Visually inspect the water distribution spray header and branches. Remove and clean the metering orifices. c. Clean debris from the wet deck with high pressure water spray and inspect for damage. d. High pressure spray air inlet louvers. e. Remove and clean sump strainers. f. Clean and flush cold water sump with high pressure water spray. g. Inspect the low water cut off switch and clean if necessary. h. Inspect heater elements for scale build up and inspect the junction box for loose wiring and moisture. i. Check heater elements for proper operation. j. Clean the outside surface of the fan motor and lubricate per the manufacturer’s recommendations. k. Inspect the general condition of the unit and check the condition of the interior and exterior protective finish. l. Check the centrifugal fans locking collars and hubs on propeller type fans. Inspect the fan blades for bent, broken and cracked blades. m. Check sheave alignments and adjust belt tension. n. Lubricate fan shaft bearings. o. Lubricate motor base adjusting screw. p. Inspect the condition of the insulation on the piping system and not any deficiencies. q. Check the unit for unusual noise or vibration. r. Check and adjust sump water levels in the cold water sump. s. Check the operation of the make-up water valve. t. Check the fan for proper rotation without any obstructions. u. Check and record motor voltage and amp draw. v. Inspect the interior and exterior for leaks. Repair all leaks. 2. Perform Ten (10) monthly service visits other than those listed above to include the following: a. Visually inspect the cold water sump for debris and cleanliness. b. Check the condition of the drift eliminators and verify that they are installed in the proper position. c. Visually inspect the PVC fill material in each tower. d. Check the water distribution and spray pattern. Remove and clean metering orifices if blockage is seen. e. Check fans, fan screens and air inlet louvers. Remove debris. f. Check for proper lubrication on the fan bearings and motor base adjusting screw. g. Check the motor and fan sheave alignment. h. Check and adjust fan belt tension. i. Check the vibration switches for proper operation. j. Clean the outside surface of the fan motor. k. Inspect the electrical and piping connections. Report any deficiencies. l. Check centrifugal fans locking collars and hubs on propeller type fan. Inspect the fan blades for bent, broken and cracked blades. m. Check the position of the strainer screens. Remove and clean. n. Check the operation of the makeup water valve and float assembly. Record the operating level in the cold water sump and adjust the float as necessary. o. Inspect the interior and exterior for leaks, repair all leaks. p. Check the unit for unusual noise and vibration. q. Check and record the motor voltage and amp draw. r. Report any operational problems or mal functions that may result in problems with the tower. 3. All visits to include a thorough inspection with a detailed report. 4. Coverage includes all labor, but excludes all parts except for normal consumables. Parts to be provided on a cost plus basis. 5. All work will be performed during normal working hours. 6. Small scale repairs to be performed on a time and material basis. Large scale repairs will be performed at a pre-determined fixed cost basis at the time of the required services. 7. All repairs parts are to be Evapco or Evapco approved parts. 8. Response time for emergency repairs to be less than 24 hours. For Cooling Tower Maintenance Provide the maintenance and repair of (4) 700 ton Evapco cooling towers




Public - State/Provincial


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1 Richard E Byrd Terminal Dr, Richmond, VA

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