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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Cicero, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

LRIP funding will be used to partially fund the State Rd. project. The Town of Cicero board reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids, and to accept bids to be in the best interest of the Town. Bids may not be awarded at time of bid opening. Road to be pulverized, graded and paved is STATE ROAD from Deerview Road South to the Southern Town limit, as marked. The State Road project would be 10,666 feet long and 22 feet wide with a 2-foot shoulder on each side. PULVERIZING AND GRADING - The Town of Cicero will be accepting proposals for asphalt pulverizing and grading. Road surface will be pulverized at a depth of twice the thickness of the existing asphalt. Pulverizing will be at a width of 2 feet wider than the existing asphalt to include shoulders, for a total width of 26 feet. Existing asphalt is to be sawed on both ends of road as marked. Any asphalt driveways will be saw cut as marked. Pulverized material shall be rolled with a sheep's foot roller for the purpose of compacting material and breaking up larger pieces of asphalt which may exist after grinding. Pulverized material shall be graded to proper cross slope for new asphalt pavement. After grading is complete, road base shall be compacted with a finish roller. Approximate date for work to begin shall be determined with input from the town. ADDITIONAL BASE ADDED- There will be a 4" thick base course of 3/4 " crusher run stone added to road before it is pulverized. PAVING - The Town of Cicero will be accepting proposals for asphalt paving on pulverized, compacted millings. Pulverized road must be fine graded prior to paving. Base mat of asphalt will be paved 22 feet wide at a thickness of 1 1/2 inches after compaction. Base mat of asphalt shall be allowed to set for a period of time not less than 24 hours before applying finish mat. Road shall be swept if needed, and dry, with tack applied before finish mat of asphalt is paved. Tack will be allowed to break before finish mat is applied. Finish mat shall be paved 22 feet wide at a thickness of 1 1/2 inches after compaction. Base mat and finish mat shall be rolled to proper compaction, for maximum pavement life. Placement of asphalt will be done with a full width screed on paver or two pavers will be used side by side as to not have a center seam or cold center seam on road. If two pavers are used, they must not be more than 100 feet apart during paving. Asphalt pavement shall be extended 18 inches beyond road width by all driveways. Paving will be done with end shoes on screed in the down position for even compaction across mat. SHOULDERING- Shoulders on each side will be 2 feet wide and 3 inches thick after compaction. Shoulder grade will be to same height as finished asphalt. Bid shall include price per ton and tonnage estimate for asphalt and stone for shouldering. Asphalt used for base mat will be #4 MT, 12.5 mm. Asphalt used for finish mat will be #4 MT, 12.5 mm. Scheduling and paving construction dates shall be done with the input from the Town. If underground utility locates are needed it will be the responsibility of the company doing the work to request locates. All barricading and warning signs for the safety of workers and motorists shall be the responsibility of the company doing the work on this project.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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February 13, 2023

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State Rd, Cicero, WI

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