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Site work and renovation of a transportation facility in Seattle, Washington. Working plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility; and for site work for a transportation facility.
For Primary Fire Station Continuing Operations Preservation Project The GC/ CM Construction Agreement is currently estimated to be between $12M and $18M. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Notice of Intent for Utilization of (1) process: 1. Alternative Mechanical Subcontractor Selection Process (MC/CM) Hoffman Construction Company (hereinafter referred to as the GC/ CM) has been selected as General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) for the Primary Fire Station Continuing Operations Preservation Project. The Primary Fire Station Continuing Operations Preservation project consists of A. Update mechanical systems and associated electrical systems, including replacement of 2 exist-ing AHU. B. Replacement of existing kitchen range including exhaust. C. Renovation of existing dor-mitory. D. Update communication. infrastructure for expanded net-working and Alert System replace-ment (C.A D/RMS -F SA). E. Install electric vehicle charg-ing station(s). The GC/CM intends to select the Mechanical subcontractor utilizing an alternative procure-ment. method (MC/CM) in accor-dance with the provisions of RCW 39.10,385, The anticipated value of the MC/CM scope of work is estimated to be $3,2M The :rea.- sons for utilizing this alternative procurement process include, but are not limited to, the following: A. Provide precanstruction consulting services including cost estimating, scheduling, phasing logistics, collaboration with the design consultants and assistance in th.e most cost-efThctive selection of materials and building systems related to mechanical scopes of work. B. Provide field verification. and BIM services to coordinate mechanical systems with the structure and other building sys-terns (both existing and new). C. Collaborate with the Project team to provide economical andefficient delivery of the mechanical systems with minimal disruption to the Port and Fire Station operations. D. Identification and potential-ly early procurement of long lead mechanical equipment. E. Provide high quality con-struction service collaborating with GC/CM and completing the Primary Fire Station Continuing Operations Preservation Project on time and within the contract price Comments and questions regarding the justification of the basis and. need for using this alternative selection process and public solicitation of proposals, and protest. procedures for the competitive bidding and selection process may be submitted in writ-ing no later than the date of the hearing to Erin Gockle, Hoffman Construction Company at Protest procedures: A. Regarding the decision to use the alternative selection pro-cess as a result of this public hear-ing: 1. Written comments received before and during the public hear-ing, and verbal comments received during the public hearing, will be considered. Comments (written or verbal) received after the close of the public hearing will not, be con-sidered. 2. A written final decision will be issued to all interested parties. The decision will include a deter-mination of whether the alterna-tive selection process is in the best interests of the public. If the Port of Seattle and the GC/CM modi-fy any of the criteria, weights, or protest procedures based, on comments received during the public hearing process, any such modi-fications will be addressed in the written final decision. 3. All protests of the written final decision to use the alter-native selection process must be in writing. Port of Seattle - and Hoffman Construction Company, at the fol-lowing addresses: Hoffman Construction Company of Washington 600 Stewart Street, Suite 1000 Seattle, Washington 98101 Attn: Erin Gocke Port of Seattle 17900 International Blvd #400b SeaTac, WA 98188 Attn: Tina Hemingway B. Regarding Protests by Proposers of Selections Made as a Result of Each Step of Alternative Selection Process -- Any Proposer that claims to be aggrieved by the results of the Alternative Selection Process may file a written protest., but only in accordance with the procedures noted below. 1. All protests must be in writ-ing and contain the following information: a. The :RN or RPP title under which the protest is made. b. The name, address, and tele-phone number of the protesting party, c. A detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds for the protest; including copies of rele-vant documents and a statement as to the form of relief requested. 2. All protests must be submit-ted to both Hoffman Construction Company and the Port of Seattle at the addresses noted in A #3 above. 3. All protests must be submit-ted to the addresses/individuals as noted above n.o later than close of four (4) working business days after notification is made of the selection decision. Protest proce-dures apply to each step in the selection process. 4. Proposers who are not select-ed to continue to the next phase may request a scoring summary of the evaluation factors for its pro-posal from Hoffman Construction Company. 5. The Port of Seattle, in consultation with the GC/CM, shall decide resolution of all protests and issue a decision in writ-ing. 6. The selection process may not advance to the next. phase of selec-tion until two business days after the final protest decision issued by the Port, of Seattle is transmit-ted to the protestor. All protests must be hand-delivered or sent by mail (not email) and submitted with-in seven calendar days of the final decision. All protests must be delivered to the public body.
Final Planning
Transportation Terminals
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