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Published January 25, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Laval, Quebec. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference number : 1681781 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2023-02-08 Submission sent electronically accepted: Yes, in a single submission document 1. Public body: Center de services scolaire de Laval 2. Description: Title: Qualification of professional firms in mechanical-electrical engineering (3rd year of a 3-year term) Tender Number: 2022/23-124 3. Brief description of the services required: This notice of qualification aims to create a list of engineering firms in mechanical-electrical who will be able to obtain mandates from the CSS de Laval, worth below the threshold for public tenders, to assist it in its mission to maintain and restore its various establishments. The list of qualified mechanical-electrical engineering service providers will be valid for a period of one year from the end of this process. For larger mandates, of particular complexity, expansion or construction of new buildings, the service center school of Laval could publish a public call for tenders which would not be restricted to qualified providers only. In such a case, the service providers forming part of the list of qualified firms, could decide to submit a bid, at the same title as any other service provider, within the framework of one of these projects. Contract start date: April 15, 2023 End date of the contract: April 14, 2024 4. Bid Security: No tender guarantee is required for this call for tenders. Performance Guarantee: No performance security is required for this tender. 5. Applicable Agreements: This invitation to tender is not subject to any intergovernmental agreement. 6. Information: File manager: Daniela Cabrera Munoz Email: dcmunoz@cslaval.qc.ca Phone: (450) 662-7000 ext. 8718 6.1. The contractual documents and other information can be obtained on the site call for tenders from the Quebec government SEAO at www.seao.ca. The deadline for submitting complaints to the Center de services scolaire de Laval is February 8. 2023 to the email address srmplainte@cslaval.qc.ca . The Public Body does not undertake to accept any of the tenders received, without obligation of any kind towards the bidders. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 15, 2023


Multiple Locations, Laval, QC

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