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Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Boonville, North Carolina. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Bids submitted via facsimile (FAX) machine, telephone, and electronic means, included but not limited to email; and, in opened unsealed envelopes; or, not in envelopes at all, in response to this Request for Quotes will not be acceptable. Yadkin County Schools reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and to make the Award which will be in the best interest of Yadkin County Schools. Yadkin County Schools reserves the right to award to mulple contractors. Proposals may be rejected by Yadkin County Schools for any reason determined by the board to be in the best interest of Yadkin County Schools. However, the proposal shall not be rejected for the purpose of evading the provisions of G.S. 143-129. All proposals shall be opened in public and Yadkin County Schools shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders whose bid or proposal meets the requirements and criteria set forth by the school system, taking into consideration quality, performance and the me specified in the proposals for the performance of the contract. To be eligible for an award of a contract subject to G.S. 143-129, the contractor and its subcontractors, if any, must demonstrate compliance with all provisions of G.S. Chapter 64, Article 2, including the responsibility to use E-Verify. All contracts awarded must be in wring. In the event the lowest responsible bids are in excess of the funds available for the project or purchase, the Yadkin County Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent, in consultation with the purchasing officer, to enter into negations with the lowest responsible bidder above mentioned, making reasonable changes in the plans and specifications as may be necessary to bring the contract price within the funds available, and may award a contract to such bidder upon recommendation of the Superintendent, if such bidder will agree to perform the work or provide the apparatus, supplies, materials, or equipment at the negotiated price within the funds available therefor. If a contract cannot be let under the above conditions, the Yadkin County Board of Education authorizes the Superintendent, in consultation with the purchasing officer, to re-adverse, as herein provided, aer having made such changes in plans and specifications as may be necessary to bring the cost of the project or purchase within the funds available therefor. The procedure above specified may be repeated if necessary in order to secure an acceptable contract within the funds available therefor. Bids shall be sealed and the opening of an envelope or package with knowledge that it contains a bid or the disclosure or exhibition of the contents of any bid by anyone without the permission of the bidder prior to the me set for opening in the invitation to bid shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor. Yadkin County Schools is requesting bids from firms capable of providing "RFB-STARMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS RESURFACING" for the Yadkin County Schools Board of Education. Contract Type Building & Facility Construction & Maintenance SVC Refer ALL Inquiries to: Jeff Adams, Maintenance Director Phone: (336) 518-4341 Specialized trade Construction & maintenance services Email: Using Agency Name: Yadkin County Schools Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 5:00 PM Deadline for questions Questions concerning this solicitation should be directed to Jeff Adams, Director of Maintenance at Questions will be received until Tuesday, January 24, at 5:00 PM EST. Any changes to the original bid specifications will be made through an addendum to the RFB-STARMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL TENNIS COURTS RESURFACING.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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February 24, 2023

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2516 Longtown Rd, Boonville, NC

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