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Published January 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and renovation of a mixed-use development in Lapeer, Michigan. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field; for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

The Lapeer County Parks and Recreation Department (county) is soliciting firms for the re-development of Torzewski Park, 2051 Pero Lake Road, Lapeer, Michigan 48446. Questions are due by February 7, 5:00 pm est and should be directed to John Bustle at jbustle@lapeercounty.org or (810) 656-0350 The goal of the proposed park improvements is to re-invest in the 30-year-old waterpark features to maximize attendance while reducing maintenance and providing improved return on investment as a public recreation facility. The approach should include the following three phases: preliminary design, final design, and construction administration. The initial preliminary design phase will be used to confirm the project scope and anticipated construction cost in effort to determine the project funding source, ARPA or general fund. This project will utilize a Construction Manager At-Risk (CMAR) project delivery method. At the county's discretion, the design team may be included in the interview and selection of the CMAR firm. It is anticipated that all construction cost opinions will be developed by the selected CMAR firm. 1. Renovate existing concession / restroom building, approximately 1,300 square feet, and support building approximately, 735 square feet. (Buildings E and D, respectively, as shown on the attached Site development Concept Sketch.) o Provide additional restroom fixtures and upgrades for accessibility. The county anticipates the need for 2 additional stalls in each of the men's and women's restrooms. o Modify building to enhance accessibility and function of park entrance and associated ticket counter. o Reconfigure concessions to include expansion plus additional exterior window. o Some aquatic feature treatment systems are located in the existing concession / restroom building and should be evaluated for reuse or replacement. Final determination should be coordinated with vendor design requirements for other site features noted below. o Clarify if any building MEP system upgrades are expected and/or if they will require evaluation. o A total project budget has not been identified and is part of the anticipated scope of the CMAR firm. Construction Start..........................................................................September, 2023 Substantial Construction Completion.....................................................April 26, 2024 Final Construction Completion.................................................................May 17, 2024 The County reserves the right to: Accept any proposal deemed to be in the best interests of the County, and to reject any and all proposals. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Paving, Renovation, Site Work

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September 1, 2023


2051 Pero Lake Rd, Lapeer, MI

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