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Published February 1, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a mixed-use development in Dale, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility; and playground / park / athletic field.

All work for the complete construction and installation of the Project will be under one Prime Contract / Unified Proposal with the School Corporation based on Proposals received and awarded. All Proposals shall include a price for a complete turnkey installation as requested herein. A Work Order will be developed by the Owner and executed by the Owner and successful Contractor with Terms and Conditions. A sample copy of this Work Order is attached to this RFP for reference. Questions on the proposed project should be submitted in written format to Scott Stenftenagel (scott@stengroup.com). Construction shall be in full accordance with the Scope Outline below and all Sections of this RFP, drawings and all supporting documents. 1. Removal of the existing playground borders. Remove existing mulch complete to clean subgrade. For proposal purposes, calculate a total depth of mulch to be an average of 18" in-depth. Any additional depth will be calculated on a Unit Cost for Removal of Mulch/Unsuitable Soils measurement (per sq. yard) with the Removal of Mulch/Unsuitable Soils Unit Cost submitted with the Proposal to be utilized to establish a cost. If existing mulch/unsuitable soils is less than the average 18" of depth, the Unit Cost amount will be used to calculate a Deduct from the submitted Proposal amount. 2. At the North Playground, carefully remove all existing mulch around nine (9) pieces of existing playground equipment and foundations without damaging existing playground equipment. 3. Remove existing playground equipment and associated foundations and concrete slabs complete where indicated. Keep in-place existing playground equipment and associated foundations where indicated. Owner shall have first right of refusal of existing playground equipment to be removed. Coordinate selection of Owner retained equipment with Owner. All other removed playground equipment and associated foundations shall be disposed of by the Contractor. 4. All new perimeter concrete curbs shall be installed as indicated on drawings unless indicated otherwise. Prior to layout, forming and establishing elevations of new curbs, confirm locations with owner's representative. 5. All new concrete curbs shall receive cure-n-seal compound as per specifications. 6. At expansion joint locations install sealant as specified. 7. Install sub-surface drainage tile with filter sock backfilled with #8 stone as indicated on drawings. 8. Install clean compacted #8 crushed stone to depths as indicated on drawings. 9. In finished playground areas, top-dress #8 crushed stone with 1-1/2" of #11 stone to finished elevation as indicated on drawings. #11 stone shall be leveled, rolled and compacted to smooth uniform grade free of ridges, humps, etc...as approved by Owner's Representative. 10. Contractor to be responsible for importing approved clean topsoil if not available on-site, to be used to back-fill along new curbs and in any yard areas that are disturbed in any way from construction activities. Under Base Bid/Proposal the Contractor is responsible for final grading, seeding and strawing. Provide Alternate price D-1 on Proposal Form for supplying and installing a total of 2,850 square yards of sod to be installed around perimeter areas of playgrounds as directed by Owner's Representative in lieu of seeding/strawing. Provide a Unit Price per sq. yard for providing and installation of sod in lieu of seeding and strawing. 11. Contractor shall take concrete test cylinders and pay for all testing costs as indicated in specifications. 12. Construction means and methods must be reviewed by the School Corporation prior to the start of construction. The Contractor shall include a Contingency Allowance of $3,500 in the Contractor's Proposal Amount. 2. Proposed start date: Upon receipt of all contract requirements the start date must be coordinated in advance with the School Corporation and Owner's Representative. Contractor shall develop a Schedule based upon the following for approval. Substantial Completion of all Work with exception of final yard grading, topsoil preparation, seeding/sodding. This will be enforced. (Note: Contractor will be required to come back to the site to perform final grading and seeding/sod installation around the yard areas of the playground after the playground equipment has been installed). 1. The Contractor and Contractor's Subcontractors shall field verify all existing conditions and coordinate their work prior to submitting the Proposal. 2. Surrounding construction, existing building components, yards, pavement, utilities, and fencing shall not be damaged. If damaged, it will be repaired by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Owner's Representative at no cost to the Owner. 3. Contractor is responsible for verify all existing utilities and private utility locations prior to the start of work. All existing underground utilities in the vicinity where excavation/demolition is to be performed shall be confirmed and located by "pot-holing". The Owner will assist with locating any private utilities however, the contractor is responsible for pot-holing where the suspect private utility is assumed to be located. 4. All existing grass areas and yard spaces shall be protected. If any grass areas, yard spaces or pavement surfaces are damaged in any way, the Contractor shall repair damaged areas by means and methods acceptable to the Owner and Owner's Representative. All costs for any and all repairs shall be by the Contractor. Contractor will be required to come back to the site to perform final grading and seeding/sod installation around the yard areas of the playground after the playground equipment has been installed. 5. Contractors shall provide their own toilet facilities. Contractor shall not utilize the owner's toilet facilities at any time. 6. Contractor shall provide their own dumpster for debris within a designated staging area coordinated with the Owner's Representative. 7. Exits to and from the building shall not be blocked at anytime during school hours. 8. At areas of work, the contractor shall provide barricades, signage and coordinate ahead of time with the Owner to block off playground areas. 9. The following information must be submitted with your Proposal: A. Number of years of experience. B. List of three (3) successful projects similar in complexity and scope of work within the last five (5) years. C. References List. D. Contractors and Products list. E. Construction schedule with milestone dates and start and substantial completion dates as indicated per this RFP. Provide Proposal amount to perform all Work as per Drawings, Scope of Work Outline and the RFP documents. Provide Alternate Proposal amount to supply and install 2,850 square yards of sod to be installed around perimeter areas of playgrounds as directed by Owner's Representative in lieu of seeding/strawing disturbed and construction limits areas. Once sod is installed and approved by Owner's Representative, the Owner will be responsible for maintenance, mowing, watering of sod. Providers submitting Proposals for the performance of any Work as specified in the Request for Proposal (RFP) should make such Proposals to North Spencer County School Corporation (a public entity). Providers are advised that any successful provider will enter into a Contract with the School Corporation. Work Order Contract with the School Corporation. A sample copy of this Work Order is included in this RFP for reference. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any Proposal, and to waive any irregularities in the Proposals or receipt of Proposals which, in the opinion of the Owner, are not substantial, and which in the opinion of the Owner, has not prejudiced the RFP process. All Proposals will be held valid for a period, not to exceed forty-five (45) days, from date of receipt of the Proposal, before a Contract is awarded. The Provider will be in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and Local laws, regulations and ordinances pertaining to the performance of work hereunder. (1) If required by the Contract, or performance of any Work thereunder, the Contractor shall require and provide a criminal background check of employees who have direct, daily contact with pupils. If awarded a contract, the Provider shall keep and maintain for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of the contract, adequate books, records, and supporting documents to verify the amounts, recipients, and use of all disbursements of funds passing in conjunction with the Contract; the Contract and all books, records and supporting documents related to the Contract shall be available for review and audit; and the Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with any audit. Failure to maintain the books, records and supporting documents required by this section shall establish a presumption in favor of the School Corporation or agencies of the State of Indiana for the recovery of any funds paid under the Contract for which adequate books, records and supporting documents are not available to support their purported disbursement. 1. A No-Lien Affidavit, fully executed and notarized, shall be submitted with all applications or invoices for payment. 2. E-Verify Compliance: Pursuant to I.C. 22-5-1.7, Contractors shall enroll in and verify the work eligibility status of all newly hired employees of the Contractor through the E-Verify Program (Program). Contractor is not required to verify the work eligibility status of all new hired employees through the Program if the Program no longer exists. Also pursuant to I.C. 22-5-1.7, Contractor must execute an affidavit affirming that the Contractor does not knowingly employ an unauthorized alien. The affidavit shall be submitted by the successful bidder within ten (10) days after the date of the Notice of Award. The contract shall not be deemed fully executed until such affidavit is received by the Owner. An EVerify Compliance Affidavit is included as part of the Proposal documents. 3. Contractor and subcontractors shall agree to the Non-Discrimination Clause. Contractor and subcontractors shall maintain a drug-free and tobacco-free workplace. Smoking and vaping or use of tobacco products in building or on school property is prohibited. 4. All employees that will be on-site shall have Background and Criminal History Checks Requirements per attached EXHIBIT-A. Contractor shall be solely responsible for implementing and adhering to all procedures and requirements for all workers that will be on school property; including subcontractor's workers, as indicated in the attached EXHIBIT-A. Location: David Turnham Education Center 105 S Dunn St Dale, IN 47523


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work



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105 S Dunn St, Dale, IN

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