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Published February 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Vancouver, British Columbia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Background and Purpose British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority ("BC Hydro") invites Proposals for the following: RFP Title: Multi-year Supply of Automatic Transfer Switches (ATS) RFP Number: 18246 This RFP is issued by BC Hydro to obtain proposals from suppliers for the manufacturing and delivery of ATS units for various BC Hydro facilities throughout the province of British Columbia on an 'if or as required' basis to fulfull the need for various stations and forecasted project demand. a. Anticipated Requirements The anticipated requirements cover 8 different payment items of ATS units (refer to Schedule 2 - Schedule of Quantities and Prices of the attached Form of Proposal and Appendix G for more details). A quality audit of the manufacturing plant may be required prior to award if BC Hydro has not recently completed a review of the facility. BC Hydro reserves the right to procure additional payment items of ATS units not currently listed in the Schedule of Quantities and Prices from the successful Proponent(s) as contemplated in Section 1.2 of the Agreement included with the attached Contract Documents. b. Contract BC Hydro aniticipates issuing a Supply-Recurring Agreement type Contract substantially in the form included with the RFP to multiple vendors if deemed advantageous to BC Hydro. The Contract will be set-up with an initial term of 5 years, which may be extended for up to an additional 10 years in any combination (i.e., 5+5, 3+3+3+1, etc.) at the sole discretion of BC Hydro. Entering into a Contract with BC Hydro pursuant to this RFP process does not guarantee that any Purchase Order(s) will be issued to the Supplier. BC Hydro reserves the right to award services contemplated under this RFP to third parties under contracts awarded outside of this RFP process and/or pursuant to other procurement processes.Purchase Orders


Hydroelectric Power Generation

Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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