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Published January 28, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Eagle Lake, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Eagle Lake has been awarded funding by Polk County Community Development to install a handicapped accessible play area, surfacing and benches at the park at Eagle Lake Boat Ramp, located at 370 W Eagle Avenue, Eagle Lake FL 33839. Because of this Community Development award by Polk County, the City of Eagle Lake has issued this Request for Proposal from qualified vendors for the provision of the following: This project is turnkey and the total budget for the project is $150,000.00 1. Provision of accessible recreation equipment, and permanent installation of that equipment in the play area. The equipment selected should be appropriate for the target age of children to be served which is from 5 to 12 years old. The City is asking for at least one or two benches be added into your project design. 2. The proposal should include both a proposal with and without a surfacing option. The surfacing will include installation according to manufacturer specification, and shall permit accessibility by all children to the play area from surrounding play area. The play area is 40 x 40 feet. An acceptable response to this request for proposal shall include the following: 1. A lump sum proposal, on company letterhead, covering the cost of the equipment, bench(es), option with and without surfacing, and installation in the area in our park identified on the map; 2. Installation timetable; 3. Description and specification on play surface, equipment and benches to be installed; and a diagram of the proposed play are showing the existing walkway; play surface, and placement of proposed play equipment on that surface; 4. Warranty information, and references from past installations The City of Eagle Lake will evaluate the submittals based on the following criteria and percentage values: 1. Price: Proposal is responsive to the minimum bid requirements and maximizes surface area and variety of assessable play equipment within the budgeted amount 50% 2. Creativity and Configuration: Proposal presents a fun, inviting and accessible play area for all children ages 5 to 12 years old, and allows for the expansion of the surface and the installation of additional equipment in the future 50% Upon receipt and opening of the proposals a committee consisting of the City Manager, City Clerk, and the Public Works Director will review the proposals in light of the above criteria and issue a recommendation to the City Commission. Each proposer may submit more than one response to this RFP. Each response shall contain the four components outlined above, and each response shall be submitted in an individual sealed envelope marked on the outside "Eagle Lake CDBG Recreation Proposal". The Eagle Lake City Commission will review the proposals at the March 6, 2023 meeting. The proposals must be good for 60 days. The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. The City also reserves the right to base selection on past performance as reported by the references and design and equipment selection provided by proposer.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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February 22, 2023

March 22, 2023


Multiple Locations, Eagle Lake, FL

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