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Published February 21, 2023 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fitness / recreation center in Richmond, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fitness / recreation center.

The intent and purpose of this Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified firms to establish contract(s) through competitive negotiations for removal of the existing climbing wall, boulder, and climbing wall facility flooring, and to furnish, deliver, and install a new climbing wall system and flooring for Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Questions concerning this RFP must be received via email no later than: 2/3/2023 close of business Offeror s are strongly encouraged to submit questions in advance by emailing them to chunt3@vcu.edu prior to the conference Scope of work: 1. Demolition and removal of existing wall, boulder, and flooring; maintain existing support structure as possible. 2. Demolition of roughly 10 feet of entry gate and 5 feet of block wall barrier. 3. Design, engineering, manufacturing, and installation of new climbing wall system and flooring 4. Construction of new supports (Steel Structure) for climbing wall expansion, as needed. 5. The inclusion of a minimum of 15 top rope routes. 6. The inclusion of a minimum of 15 lead routes. 7. Top belay and rappel platform. 8. Mid way belay anchors in at least 2 areas. 9. Climbing Wall Association approved belay bars and/or ground anchors to adequately mitigate risk of climbers and belayers. Ground anchors at all 15 top rope routes. 10. Installation of a new flooring system throughout the climbing facility area that is ADA compliant, with an emphasis on universal access. Flooring system should meet Climbing Wall Association standards. 11. Installation of a climbing surface that is compatible with non t-nut required volumes and compatible for USA Climbing Setting standards. 12. Climbing holds to set at least 45 climbing routes. 13. Climbing Ropes.


Fitness / Rec Centers


Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Richmond, VA

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